Amber Belle

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Extreme Poster
Well, some of you may know that I was expecting another one of Barbara's (fresnowitte's) babies ,Drago, from his first owner and that fell through so I am very proud and excited to introduce you to Fiona's clutchmate Amber may change a bit...She is a big girl at about 16 inches and she has beautiful Ms. Tiggs and Misty eyes. :love10: She should be shipped on Monday... :blob5: :blob8:
notice her little beardie boobs




diamc Sicko
Staff member
Awwww, she is adorable, and I love the name. :D So, you, Barbara and Frank will have another sleepless night? :roll: Is she from the 1st clutch? She sure looks like her sisters. Bet you are VERY excited, I'm SO happy for you Katrina. :blob5: :blob8:


Extreme Poster
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diamc":49210 said:
Awwww, she is adorable, and I love the name. :D So, you, Barbara and Frank will have another sleepless night? :roll: Is she from the 1st clutch? She sure looks like her sisters. Bet you are VERY excited, I'm SO happy for you Katrina. :blob5: :blob8:
Thanks, I first picked the name Princess Belle (since her sis is Princess Fiona) but then when I saw a closeup pic of her amber eyes, I had to throw that in their...We'll probably just call her Belle for a nickname! She is from the first clutch, Barbara was keeping her secret! HA!!!!

diamc Sicko
Staff member
So, she is from the 1st clutch, that's great. Aren't their amber eyes precious? Looks like she is getting ready to shed her mouth, that's the exact spot Misty was getting ready to shed when she arrived. Barbara kept a secret, that's not possible. :eek:

fresnowitte Sicko
Actually she is not the secret beardie she was the next to biggest female...the secret beardie that I'll be posting about in the next few days if I don't keep the one my grandson had decided upon when Bligg went to Dawn...but we have since decided that a male would be better for him and his mommy to start out with. The secret beardie you all have seen in pic's in Ms. Tiggs and Blaze babies thread just not in the forsale. She is not so colorful but rather large for a female of her age. She was the next to biggest next to Bligg in the clutch...Belle was the 3rd or 4th largest next to Drago :( . Sorry!

Yep Monday will be another sleepless night. But I'm very happy she is going to Katrina. :D

I like Amber Belle. :D

Thank-you Katrina...what did the kids think?


Extreme Poster
Original Poster
Ooooops, there I go messing up the info!! My bad! Was she listed in the for sale??

fresnowitte Sicko
I just posted this but it's not here... :? I wonder where it was I posted it then? :roll: :oops:

She's baby #3 in the forsale thread.

gulfbrzdawn Addict
Hi Miss Katrina.... this is Bligg :D My mom just told me that you are getting another one of my smokin' hot sisters. That is so awesome! I like the name Amber Belle.. it's a fitting name for sis. At least you didn't give her a name(like Bligg) that everyone laughs about and wonders if your parents were smoking something when they came up with it :roll:
Me and my sisters and brothers are all so lucky to have found such great forever homes. Thank you for taking in Belle.. I'm sure you will be very happy with her... she's a good girl.
P.S. Maybe you could have a training bra waiting for her when she arrives :wink:


Juvie Member
She is so beautiful! Congrats to you and Amber Belle for finding that forever home... sometimes things work out for a reason... :D

sweetiepie9 Sicko
Retired Moderator
Wow, what a beauty, wonder how bright she'll get as she matures! Wow Katrina, two of Barbara's babies. I would love to have one, too, but 5 is enough right now. You're going to have alot of fun with your babies, I've been trying to keep up on your thread of Fiona & Fez, too. Have fun :blob5: :blob8: :blob5: hope you have lot & lots of food ready, I hear the 1st clutch babies eat ALOT :shock:

Our dragons were almost a year before they got to 16" long, wonder how long she'll end up being. They just grow so fast at that age :mrgreen:

Take care,
Deborah and our zoo
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