The Great Debate-Repti or Phoenix?

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Okay so I've owned my beardie for 2 weeks now and I'm already tired of crickets... the two nearest pet shops don't have any crickets in stock..time to start ordering online... but I'm getting conflicting information so I need some help from my fellow dragon owners.. Which is better? Reptiworms or Phoenix worms? Could you also post WHY you think one is better than the other? I know they are the same type of grub, just different brands... but which carries the best nutrient value, price, etc?

P.S. Post in a hurry.. I need to order these suckers fast! :)


They're the same worm, so all the nutritional stuff is identical. I went with Repti at first because the Phoenix people seemed to always be sold out of the smaller sizes. The prices are pretty similar so it's really just personal preference.

From experience I've personally been really happy with the Reptiworms guy. He's fast to answer questions and has a presence here on the boards to help out if needed.


Sub-Adult Member
Dr Phoenix (or who created the Phoenix worms) also has a presence here on as well. But as already been posted - they are identicle except for the name (& price).


Sub-Adult Member
Phoenix Worms claims that the grubs only have a 1.5:1 Ca:p ratio if they are kept in the special bedding/food that Phoenix Worms uses.

Phoenix Worms Website":1wzeun5p said:
Only genuine Phoenix Worms® provide the excellent nutrition and balanced Ca:p ratio you can depend on. Our special grain-based diet is unique. Copycat worms fed a different diet do not provide identical nutritional values.

However I don't believe that because Reptiworms says their worms have the same ratio. I first bought Phoenix Worms from but I don't think they sell them anymore so I bought some from Reptiworms. No real difference except the bedding.


I get phoenix worms because I can buy them from a local pet shop. My landlord said no online ordering of bugs. :(


No idea. He's also my roommate and tends to be a bit on the eccentric side. He doesn't mind if I have bugs, just doesn't want them delivered. I stopped trying to figure him out months ago. :lol:


Original Poster
Sounds redundant... like a person who wants to make up rules just to feel the power of being able to do so lol... anyway the reptiworms are working out great and Ryu just went through his/her first shedding so now it's colors are so vivid and bright

Dr. Phoenix

Hatchling Member
mistegirl":3sgy31ee said:
They're the same worm, so all the nutritional stuff is identical.

Phoenix Worms, Calciworms and Reptiworms are the same species. However, they have different nutritional values. As the scientific community knows, many aspects of production of these feeders impact their nutritional value. For instance, the ratio of calcium to phosphorus that these feeders contain is critical to your pet’s long term health.

Phoenix Worms have a balanced ratio of 1.5 parts calcium to 1 part phosphorous and can be safely fed as a staple. This balanced ratio was determined by an independent lab analysis. Calciworms has published that their ratio is 3.28 to 1, also determined by an independent lab, and they advise that Calciworms are "not intended to be fed as a sole ration." An unbalanced ratio may lead to hypercalcemia and renal failure. For more information, go to

Reptiworms doesn't seemed to have performed any nutritional analysis on their product. In fact, Reptiworms has copied data and information from the Phoenix Worms website ("...They have the ideal 1.5:1 Calcium:phosphorus ratio" and "...contain high amounts of lauric acid which helps battle diseases such as Coccidia...").

Phoenix Worms are produced using a carefully researched process that ensures the correct balance of calcium and phosphorous. Without an independent lab analysis, the nutritional content of Reptiworms is unknown. We encourage owners of pets with sensitive dietary needs to research the calcium phosphorus ratio of feeders to ensure the health of their animals.

Craig Sheppard, Ph.D.
President, Insect Science Resource LLC
Emeritus, UGA


Original Poster
Dr Phoenix I've seen many posts made by you illustrating the difference between phoenix worms and reptiworms or calciworms and I have to admit I'm impressed and just might be looking to make the switch but I was a bit curious if there's a post somewhere lost in these forums offering a coupon code to help out a little in these economicly unfriendly times?(holidays! AHHH! my pockets are emptying themselves! lol) If not I'll probably still be making the switch but a coupon code might convince others to switch as well which would lead to an increase in your business but more importantly an increase in the health of the dragons who switch to your product
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