UVB lighting

Can someone please tell me what the appropriate lighting is for my beardie. I have looked at other conversations but there is so much going on in the conversations that I cannot keep up with them.


Sub-Adult Member
Beardie name(s)
Luis and Lilith
If you are in the US, your best bet is to get a tube style UVB (arcadia 12% or zoomed 10.0 HO) that spanns about 2/3 of your tank.

If you are in the EU you probably have access to a mhb but I think they are hard to get elsewhere.


Sub-Adult Member
Beardie name(s)
Luis and Lilith
The watts will correlate to the lenght of the bulb usually. The longer bulbs have more watts, the shorter will have less.
You want a T5 (that is how thick the tube is) and a lenght that fits your tank


BD.org Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 4
Can someone please tell me what the appropriate lighting is for my beardie. I have looked at other conversations but there is so much going on in the conversations that I cannot keep up with them.
What size is the tank - I generally recommend a 24" fixture for a 40 -120 gallon tank - are you in the states I can post links for 3 good UVB's if you want them


Original Poster
What size is the tank - I generally recommend a 24" fixture for a 40 -120 gallon tank - are you in the states I can post links for 3 good UVB's if you want them
I am in the US my tank is 36 inches long. But I also need to purchase from Amazon. We get packages stolen and Amazon is the only company that delivers directly to my door.


Original Poster
When I looked at the Reptisun sorry not reptizoo. I got confused with the two of them. but I find there is different wattage. With lights. What does it mean.


Original Poster
With fedex they do not deliver to my door. I have tried everything even calling the company when I have a tracking number. There are even signs posted in the hallway and they don’t do it.


BD.org Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 4
So I see different types of reptizoo and I have a wire mesh hood to my tank so what would be best
You want a long tube fixture --
24" Zoo Med comes w/ a 5.0 bulb but you need the Reptisun 10.0 T 5 bulb
Zoo Med ReptiSun T5 HO Hood
22" bulb Zoo Med ReptiSun 10.0 UVB T5 HO
Arcadia Pro T 5 found at Pet Smart 12% bulb 24 watt
Arcadia Reptile ProT5 UV-B Kit | reptile Light Fixtures | PetSmart
or this one you need the 24" or 2 ft - change to bulb out to the one posted above
the screen on the tank determines placement and distance

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