Lilith breaks 12"

Next week Lilith will be four months old and she's still doing great. Today was "meassuring day" and she turned up at 83g and 30.5cm (12").
!! That is compared to last week +19g/3cm(1") which I think is kind of crazy !!

She's a little low on appetite again as she's shedding once again, which is still the whole body and just the tail separated.

She's just a little angel for the most part but that is mostly because it is still cute when she climbs on my head. As an adult....not so much probably


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Juvie Member
Beardie name(s)
Thanks for the update :)
She's just a little angel for the most part but that is mostly because it is still cute when she climbs on my head. As an adult....not so much probably
:D Reminds me of the meme with the Great Dane still sitting on his human's lap ;)
I was really surprised that despite your Lilith does, and I've seen this many dragons and also other pets doing, my Taco never tried to climb up on my head (or somebody else's head). The shoulders, and then he will stop.


Sub-Adult Member
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Luis and Lilith
Thanks for the update :)

:D Reminds me of the meme with the Great Dane still sitting on his human's lap ;)
I was really surprised that despite your Lilith does, and I've seen this many dragons and also other pets doing, my Taco never tried to climb up on my head (or somebody else's head). The shoulders, and then he will stop.
Luis did try to climb on my head when he was smaller (~200g) but doesn't do it anymore.
Lilly is just about to be the size that her claws can't grip on my skin anymore so she will have to stop soon as it's getting dangerous ;)


Juvie Member
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Lilly is just about to be the size that her claws can't grip on my skin anymore so she will have to stop soon as it's getting dangerous ;)
What do you mean by can't grip on your skin anymore? Will slide off? My dragon digs in his claws deep - he can climb around on skin easily, but it leaves scratches (this is indeed the "getting dangerous" part). He also grabs whatever he can get. He would for sure grab the ear and use it to hold on if he would be interested in the head.
For this, he for sure would not be allowed on my neck or head. Luckily he won't go up, I don't know why - because he's such an avid climber. Is it the hair?

Since he's larger, I have a long-sleeved shirt lying near the enclosure for this reason. I once took Taco out while wearing only a tanktop - won't do so again. He wasn't "scratching" as in "getting away from me, fighting" but simply walking over my arms, then to the shoulders and snuggling up and those scratches from his claws and spikes took two weeks to heal. Despite I'm really not a "princess" but more of the "bandaid? wipe it off, will be fine"-type, I don't want to have that repeated, and so the long-sleeved shirt.
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xp29 Addict
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Zen still tried to get on our heads at 4 years old and 1300 grams. If he got a head start up the back of the couch he usually did it to lol.
Lilly is absolutely gorgeous 😍!!!! Zsa Zsa says she has an unfair advantage though, Zsa Zsa has a tail nip lol so she comes up short 🤣
It's amazing how fast they grow. .... and how much they shed lol.


Sub-Adult Member
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Luis and Lilith
What do you mean by can't grip on your skin anymore? Will slide off? My dragon digs in his claws deep - he can climb around on skin easily, but it leaves scratches (this is indeed the "getting dangerous" part). He also grabs whatever he can get. He would for sure grab the ear and use it to hold on if he would be interested in the head.
For this, he for sure would not be allowed on my neck or head. Luckily he won't go up, I don't know why - because he's such an avid climber. Is it the hair?

Since he's larger, I have a long-sleeved shirt lying near the enclosure for this reason. I once took Taco out while wearing only a tanktop - won't do so again. He wasn't "scratching" as in "getting away from me, fighting" but simply walking over my arms, then to the shoulders and snuggling up and those scratches from his claws and spikes took two weeks to heal. Despite I'm really not a "princess" but more of the "bandaid? wipe it off, will be fine"-type, I don't want to have that repeated, and so the long-sleeved shirt.
Luis will slide off and leave scratches. Lilly used to stick to my arm but is also getting so heavy that she slides off.
She leaves quite the scratches as well so yes, tanktops are a bad idea.
Zen still tried to get on our heads at 4 years old and 1300 grams. If he got a head start up the back of the couch he usually did it to lol.
Lilly is absolutely gorgeous 😍!!!! Zsa Zsa says she has an unfair advantage though, Zsa Zsa has a tail nip lol so she comes up short 🤣
It's amazing how fast they grow. .... and how much they shed lol.
I'm still looking forward to an update on Zsa Zsa. Luis also has a nip on his tail, doesn't seem to bother him but yeah, makes them short on paper.


Juvie Member
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Luis will slide off and leave scratches. Lilly used to stick to my arm but is also getting so heavy that she slides off.
She leaves quite the scratches as well so yes, tanktops are a bad idea.
That's quite interesting as my Taco won't slide off.
He likes to sit in a vertical position, and does so well on an upper arm or leg, around the chest... not sliding off, even not when I move slightly (turning the pages of a book, for example). He's also using his tail a lot to anchor himself.
He's leaving the scratch marks with each step he takes. And when his tail scratches against something, that tail really feels like a carapace. (Your Luis is a leatherback, if I remember correctly. My Taco is a "standard" dragon, more spiky than some are, and there's a reason I call him "lebender Stein" :D)
Once he's climbed up, it would be fine, but while he gets there... uh! So: long-sleeve shirt for dragon-human-time. (I always have to remind myself as it's so warm to hot here all the time that otherwise I'd not use long-sleeve shirts. That's why it's now by the enclosure.)


Sub-Adult Member
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Luis and Lilith

That's quite interesting as my Taco won't slide off.
He likes to sit in a vertical position, and does so well on an upper arm or leg, around the chest... not sliding off, even not when I move slightly (turning the pages of a book, for example). He's also using his tail a lot to anchor himself.
He's leaving the scratch marks with each step he takes. And when his tail scratches against something, that tail really feels like a carapace. (Your Luis is a leatherback, if I remember correctly. My Taco is a "standard" dragon, more spiky than some are, and there's a reason I call him "lebender Stein" :D)
Once he's climbed up, it would be fine, but while he gets there... uh! So: long-sleeve shirt for dragon-human-time. (I always have to remind myself as it's so warm to hot here all the time that otherwise I'd not use long-sleeve shirts. That's why it's now by the enclosure.)
That really is interesting. There is just no way he would hold onto my skin with his claws. Maybe men have harder skin that is not as easy to hold on to. Or because he likes to dig so much that his claws are not as sharp.
I did notice the back claws are a lot sharper then the front claws and the back claws will draw blood at times.
Lebender Stein is so fitting for your Taco as he blends in so seamlessly into his habitat.


Juvie Member
Beardie name(s)
That really is interesting. There is just no way he would hold onto my skin with his claws. Maybe men have harder skin that is not as easy to hold on to. Or because he likes to dig so much that his claws are not as sharp.
I did notice the back claws are a lot sharper then the front claws and the back claws will draw blood at times.
Lebender Stein is so fitting for your Taco as he blends in so seamlessly into his habitat.
He also holds well on my husband's skin - and he has ways softer skin than me. However, he's then scratching his skin even more.
I guess how hard or soft the skin is won't matter: A branch, or the fake stone walls in the enclosure are much much harder. I'd even say: harder makes it easier to climb as the you have something that won't move away under your feet.
I'm often surprised where he fits in his claws. Sitting on a human's hand - not really fitting there anymore, but he tries, like the thing with the too small branch in the other thread - back feet go to the front and then he wedges his claws under the human's fingernails.

Yes, his back claws are much sharper than the front ones. They make the largest scratches. And the toes are much more flexible. I find it funny that their thumb is actually the outer digit, not the inner as for us :)
For the "Lebender Stein" it's indeed both the blending in (still find it amusing that it looks as if I designed it to his colors and patterns but no) and his hard spiky skin. The hardest at the tail base (some dragons hate it being touched there, he likes it). I find it a bit meditative touching the different structures of my dragon's skin :)


Sub-Adult Member
Beardie name(s)
Lilith looks absolutely beautiful! :DShe has seen significant progress. And I think that she will continue to climb on your head even when she is an adult. Foxy always does this when I'm lying on the sofa - he likes to get closer to the back of the sofa this way.


Sub-Adult Member
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Beardie name(s)
Luis and Lilith
Lilith looks absolutely beautiful! :DShe has seen significant progress. And I think that she will continue to climb on your head even when she is an adult. Foxy always does this when I'm lying on the sofa - he likes to get closer to the back of the sofa this way.
That sounds painful with those huge claws. But I's more of an issue if she does it while I'm standing upright as she could slip and they are fairly strong so if they hold on for dear life they really scratch you up 🙈 obviously falling down from that hight is also not a good option.

Anyway, I thinking about feeding her a little less to slow down her growth a bit as its more healthy for them to grow a bit more steady. Maybe three to four instead of four to five bugs...


Sub-Adult Member
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That sounds painful with those huge claws. But I's more of an issue if she does it while I'm standing upright as she could slip and they are fairly strong so if they hold on for dear life they really scratch you up 🙈 obviously falling down from that hight is also not a good option.

Anyway, I thinking about feeding her a little less to slow down her growth a bit as its more healthy for them to grow a bit more steady. Maybe three to four instead of four to five bugs...
Of course, when I stand or walk, Foxy just sits on my shoulder and I put my hand on his back. I wouldn't let him get on my head in this case, but he didn't try to do that.
How does Lilith relate to greenery? What percentage of her total diet is greens?


Sub-Adult Member
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Luis and Lilith
Luis won't try it ether, he will just sit on my shoulder for eternity but Lilly is more...wild I would say. She has no fear so far and seems to be testing her limits.

Uhm, the greens always depend on what's in there. Most days it's like 30% or so. Her poop is really big and green so she probably also eats some of the Golliwog that I did put in the tank. But yeah I'm really glad I don't have to do much to get her to eat greens.


Sub-Adult Member
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Perhaps you shouldn’t reduce bugs while the proportion of greens and protein foods is correct? But these are just my thoughts out loud.


Juvie Member
Beardie name(s)
Her poop is really big and green so she probably also eats some of the Golliwog that I did put in the tank.
Mine also eats it :) It was even the first food he ate after I got him :)

It's hard to spot with the shape of the plant whether something was eaten, but I observe for little pieces on the ground... there's always something falling down while eating. When he became larger I also directly saw him eating on the Golliwog.

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