

Beardie name(s)
I don't know which thread I should put this in but i just got news I need to be somewhere urgently tomorrow. I have a baby beardie who hasn't hit one yet and is taken out of her cage and placed somewhere else to be fed since she can't find food easily in her own cage. I live with one other person but she would never touch a reptile and said at most all she would do was drop food in her cage and leave. I really really do not know what to do I have a small carrier for her but I have no way to heat her up in it and I'll be gone for a minimum of four days. I really need some advice. should I take her with and keep her in the container without a heat lamp? should I just leave her here and have my roomate drop food in and hope she gets it?

xp29 Addict
Photo Comp Winner
Beardie name(s)
Zen , Ruby ,Snicker Doodles, Sweet Pea, Sinatra
I don't know which thread I should put this in but i just got news I need to be somewhere urgently tomorrow. I have a baby beardie who hasn't hit one yet and is taken out of her cage and placed somewhere else to be fed since she can't find food easily in her own cage. I live with one other person but she would never touch a reptile and said at most all she would do was drop food in her cage and leave. I really really do not know what to do I have a small carrier for her but I have no way to heat her up in it and I'll be gone for a minimum of four days. I really need some advice. should I take her with and keep her in the container without a heat lamp? should I just leave her here and have my roomate drop food in and hope she gets it?
Do you have someone else that can drop by and feed your beardie?
Either way I would bounce the roommate 😉


Juvie Member
Beardie name(s)
Beardies don't need to be fed as often as we think.

Def look at someone feeding the dragon
My beardie hasn't eaten in 3 weeks & he only lost 5 grams.


Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
Beardies don't need to be fed as often as we think.

Def look at someone feeding the dragon
My beardie hasn't eaten in 3 weeks & he only lost 5 grams.
I've heard some talk about that but what worries me is she's incredibly tiny. she is a few months old and I don't know if the same rules apply for a baby


Sub-Adult Member
Beardie name(s)
Rocky, Ruby
What did you decide? Is the beardie OK?

I agree he needs food daily, he's growing. Now if he chooses not to eat or eat much, it's OK for 1 day but food should be readily available.


Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
What did you decide? Is the beardie OK?

I agree he needs food daily, he's growing. Now if he chooses not to eat or eat much, it's OK for 1 day but food should be readily available.
i ended up sitting and having a conversation with my roomate that she could not be without food for that long by any means. she agreed so we sat together with my beardie and I taught her how to feed her and check her water and clean her cage. keeping close tabs on her bc frankly I don't know how well she's going to do. yesterday my roomate did feed her and she did eat. so I'm thinking she'll be OK for 3 more days. am still nervous ofc but I just didn't want to be away from her in general.

xp29 Addict
Photo Comp Winner
Beardie name(s)
Zen , Ruby ,Snicker Doodles, Sweet Pea, Sinatra
i ended up sitting and having a conversation with my roomate that she could not be without food for that long by any means. she agreed so we sat together with my beardie and I taught her how to feed her and check her water and clean her cage. keeping close tabs on her bc frankly I don't know how well she's going to do. yesterday my roomate did feed her and she did eat. so I'm thinking she'll be OK for 3 more days. am still nervous ofc but I just didn't want to be away from her in general.
Sounds like the roommate might not need to be bounced after all!!! 😁😁😁😁
I'm glad the roommate came around. It should help ease your mind🙂

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

Oh that is great news your roomate is going to help out for your dragon. Since he is younger than one year he definitely needs more nutrition & to be fed relatively often.
I think she will end up having a great time with your dragon.



Juvie Member
Beardie name(s)
Yes - it's so often the case that people are first afraid of bearded dragons.
My husband was the like...
I'm often traveling as part of my work (researcher, international conferences, going to remote research stations and such). I was able to get my dragon at a time where it was clear there will be no travel for months (it could have happened differently, but it worked out), as I knew my husband was afraid of insects. He was really disgusted when he saw me cleaning out the worm and dubia bins. He was also skeptical about reptiles themselves.
Over time, this has changed :) The common misconceptions "worms are slimy", "reptiles are mean" wore off. Now he's watching dubias shedding and says they are pretty like a little marble sculpture when they are freshly shed :) Taco is brumating, and he asks when Taco will come back and he missed him as much as I do :D

I think it's really because usually humans don't have much contact with reptiles, and are often not very interested in insects and come only in contact with them if they are pests (or if they are butterflies, then they are pretty ;))
So, congrats to your roommate for overcoming the fear 🦎

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

That's great to hear that your husband is really enjoying your dragon now. It is all about being open minded & willing to change pre conceived ideas of what reptiles are. Unfortunately reptiles have gotten a bad name & many times for simply lack of knowledge.
If given time, most people will eventually come around.


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