Pooping eggs but not laying the eggs normal or not?


Sub-Adult Member
Hey guys my Amber had 1 egg a few days ago then 2 more and then this morning she pooped during a bath and passed 3 more.

I haven't exactly seen her pass both eggs and poop before so it concerned me it's either or but not both.

Note: She's been in and out of the laybox but not much going on yet no eggs or anything she is very restless right now.


BD.org Sicko
It sounds like she's ready to lay the clutch. Is her box in the enclosure ? Can you post pics of the enclosure as well as the laybox ?


Sub-Adult Member
Original Poster
It sounds like she's ready to lay the clutch. Is her box in the enclosure ? Can you post pics of the enclosure as well as the laybox ?

Yup in her enclosure the enclosure is a tad tight and cluttered (the laybox is big and fits perfectly). The laybox is big enough for her to dig though i took out her food dish because she's got no appetite I even tried crickets and she refused multiple times.


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Sub-Adult Member
Original Poster
O.K, that looks good. Any action yet ?
She has gotten significantly smaller from her usual size so I'm guessing she laid some but not all of her eggs in her laybox.

I'm concerned about these pics though (sorry the pics are from my brother taking them)

She pooped very little in the bath and her vent was partially open after but no prolapse or anything.


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BD.org Sicko
Can you check for eggs in the box ? Be sure to go way in the corners, they often cram them in there.

Does the vent still look like that or has it gone back to normal ?


Sub-Adult Member
Original Poster
Can you check for eggs in the box ? Be sure to go way in the corners, they often cram them in there.

Does the vent still look like that or has it gone back to normal ?
It's gone back to normal and she's got boundless energy and doesn't wanna stay in her enclosure but rather run around.

When I get back home I'm gonna go through her lay box


Sub-Adult Member
Original Poster
O.K, she might still be going to lay.
Ya she's just running around like mad when she sees me but she has been in/out her laybox last few days including today but as I said she's definitely smaller now than she was a few days ago


Sub-Adult Member
Original Poster
O.K, she might still be going to lay.
😔😔 I went through her entire laybox and found not a single egg am I doing something wrong that's preventing her to lay? Is it too cold too moist too sandy too dirty too hot? Is she egg bound?

Feel like it's my fault she isn't laying her eggs 😭 she had trouble last year and she was extremely picky then one day I caught her in her laybox having them


Sub-Adult Member
Original Poster
No, this can be typical behavior. She will probably lay soon so just be patient.
Gotta take a breather and just bare with her then it's just worrying to me just wanna make sure everything is good.

I have noticed that when I take her out she will nest a bit I was folding laundry and she kept digging into/under the towels.

So she is getting closer to laying them just wish she wasn't so stubborn 😅

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