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  1. matojack

    Best Feeders For Juvenile Beardies?

    My baby ate a couple of Dubias that were a little large for it. Will it be okay as long as this is the exception and NOT the rule? What are signs of impaction so I can be on the lookout just in case?
  2. matojack

    Lighting for a baby beardie

    Karrie, I finally reviewed your enclosure picture more closely. I see that you dropped down the UVB tube probably to get it within the 18" you mention from the floor. When you do that, can you put a basking bulb directly over the UVB housing or does it still need to be to the side of the UVB...
  3. matojack

    Lighting for a baby beardie

    I went to check the temperatures on the tree without the second UVB and, ironically, only one basking bulb is on (the other one burned out). The temperature is only 94 degrees. I turned the other UVB back on to hopefully bring up the temp in the tank at least and will buy a second basking bulb...
  4. matojack

    Lighting for a baby beardie

    When I get some time today, I will take out the dragon to do a deep clean of the tank. I removed the basking log until I can disinfect the tank and decorations, because the other beardie favored it. And if I understand you correctly, making the tank smaller will help it acclimate to its new...
  5. matojack

    Lighting for a baby beardie

    So our first beardie I got from Petco and was sick when we brought it home. I didn't know that and when we took it to the vet after five weeks for a hurt arm, we learned that it's kidneys were failing. We suspect it had parasites that robbed it of water and nutrients too because it also looked...
  6. matojack

    Lighting for a baby beardie

    Karrie.. I have a similar question and thought Telsa might benefit from your response. My baby, Pumpkin, is 2 months old. We have a 120 gallon tank with two 24" UVBs to cover 80% of the tank in the middle. It is hanging out in a tree decoration in the middle of the tank under the UVB but NOT in...
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