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  1. C

    pooping after phoenix worms

    Craig, Thanks so much for your post, and for the email I received from your wife earlier today. I really appreciate your efforts. I'm happy to know that the pinning approach is likely to help with the digestion of the PW, and that the same might be accomplished simply by slowing down the...
  2. C

    pooping after phoenix worms

    Yes, my vet is very experienced with reptiles. She's been specializing in herps and other exotic animals for twenty years or so. It's pretty clear that the recommendation to take phoenix worms out of the diet makes perfect sense. It doesn't matter how ideal phoenix worms are as a feeder, if...
  3. C

    pooping after phoenix worms

    Thanks for the responses. Phoenix worms in their pristine state are certainly wiggly. I can't imagine that they'll wiggle too much after having been speared, though. After a couple of worm-ridden dragon poops, my wife called to consult the vet. The vet advised against feeding them to the...
  4. C

    pooping after phoenix worms

    We've recently started Vern on Phoenix worms. This is all part of a new diet that has been focused on getting Vern to start eating and being active again after almost completely shutting down. He's happy to eat the phoenix worms. And they seem to offer sufficient hydration that he's pooping...
  5. C

    In praise of butter worms

    Vern is around 8 months old, and has been acting very strangely for the past couple of months. He stopped pooping, stopped eating, stopped moving and just started to hang out, flat on the ground, under his rock. If he hadn't been so young I would have just let him go, imagining it was...
  6. C

    Any chance this is brumation?

    Vern is about six months old, and I'm under the impression that BDs don't brumate until they're older. But...well...maybe he's precocious. This is the deal. We've had him for just over 4 months. He's moved out of his original 20g long tank and into a spacious 2'x2'x4' palace. I have 2 24"...
  7. C

    Y. Vern Dragon

    Thanks, to you and to Jasper's Mom. At the basking spot, I've measured a little variation: from around 105 to 112. On the cool side, in the corner farthest from the hot bulb, I get readings of around 78 to 80. I'm measuring the temperatures using a temp gun from pro exotics. Reptisun 10.0...
  8. C

    Y. Vern Dragon

    This morning, our family adopted a new member: Y Vern Dragon, or Vern for short. We have no idea whether Vern is a he or a she, but "he" seems to be doing pretty well to this point. He has pooped here. We think he's nibbled on a little salad. He's eaten a few crickets. We gave him a bath...
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