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  1. S

    Read Before Posting very important so u dont waste time.

    Many people are posting ''Beardie wont eat'' Others '' Beardie been asleep past days non stop'' Well this time of year is winter and that means most beardies over 1 yr old will be brumating. Brumating means hibernating if you want to know what you should do while your beardie is brumating or you...
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    Male or Female

    Hmmm does that mean i cant take them out at the same time and let them meet
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    Male or Female

    Yeah hopefully I think my cage is big enuff it's 55gallon cage
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    Male or Female

    I' don't understand your question.but I plan on gettint a boy atleast 16"-20"
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    This is not normal

    Well my Beardoe been brumating for last 6days.and she spend all her te sleeping in the hot side.aren't beardie hating the hot side while brrumating. Sorry for bad spelling doing this on my itouch
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    Male or Female

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    Baby Beardie not eating

    Its known for young beardies to not eat. As they get older they start eating more.Inless its my beardie T_T she doesnt eat any of her vedgies or greens she usually poops on them and whe i hand feed it to her she runs away. Try giving your beardie non sugar babyfood. put it on his/her nose i do...
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    bearie has been trying to sleep past 4 days and wont move

    Do you live in california cause my mom saids its double priced in california
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    Male or Female

    How do you tell if you have a female or male. I really want to know cause i plan on getting another 1 and i dont wanna get the same Gender because they will fight. :D
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    bearie has been trying to sleep past 4 days and wont move

    "As a general rule, you will usually find them sleeping, even during the daylight hours, on the cooler side of their enclosures or tanks, preferably as far away from their lights as they can get. If there is anything that they can burrow under, or that will provide shading from the lights, that...
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    bearie has been trying to sleep past 4 days and wont move

    She actually closes her eyes quicker when i put the heat lamp where she is and when i take it out and the temp goes to 84 she has a hard time. Im noticing anothr thing her eyes seem to be squinting and not fully open when she moved.Could it possibl that when she was trying to sleep some crickets...
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    bearie has been trying to sleep past 4 days and wont move

    My beardie is a little over a yr old. I didnt know they hibernate o.o but when animals hibernate dont they sleep and not wake up for like 5 months mine wakes up in the morning and trys to go back to sleep and fails till its night time. Actually ive never seen her asleep past 4 days but my mom...
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    bearie has been trying to sleep past 4 days and wont move

    My bearded dragon has been sleeping past 4 days he wakes up and then sleeps again and he hardly moves i tried flipping him over (usually he panicks) and he just panicked at last minute. I TOOK her out to play and she started sleeping where i put her PLEASE HELP THIS DOESNT SEEM NORMAL
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