beardie ate a huge bumble bee??? HELP ASAP

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Juvie Member
Hello everyone,
We had our lizards out in the garden, and our big girl just ate a HUGE bumblebee. I couldn't grab her before she got it. Are they poisonous??? Help!!! Do I need to make her vomit? I tried to put my fingers in her mouth and get it, but to no avail. I'm terribly worried about our beloved girl....


Juvie Member
I don't believe eating a single bee is particularly harmful. I have heard of other cases where bearded dragons have eaten bees and wasps, and they've come out just fine. I would just be careful not to let it happen again, and be particularly careful of any stings, or perhaps any contact the bee may have had with pesticides. Another thing to consider is if the size would cause a problem; if the bumble bee was significantly larger than the space between your bearded dragon's eyes, it may be difficult to properly digest. More frequent warm baths may help with digestion, as well as getting the bee and whatever it may have had out of your bearded dragon's system.

Otherwise, the consuming of the bee itself shouldn't be a problem.


Juvie Member
Original Poster
THanks so much for your quick reply! After my panicked post, I did some searching and saw that it probably wasn't super toxic. I gave our girl some acidophiliz to help with the digestion. Although the bee was big, she chewed it pretty well (which was why I couldn't get it out!), and she has been in her happiest colors since. I 'm keeping an eye on her. We have both of our lizards trained, so they are bathed everyday to induce defecation in their separate bathing tubs!


Juvie Member
No problem. Glad to hear that she's doing alright, and that you're doing all of these precautionary actions to ensure her health, should any problem arise. Best wishes to you and your bearded dragon! :]


Juvie Member
Original Poster
She' seems happy this morning. Bright orange and basking, so far, so good. Knock wood!
Eating insects for a beardie is fine, The only thing about wild insects is they could be subject to inpestisides... So i would never willingly feed wild caught insects to my Dragons... Although there are some insects that just dont agree with Beardies, IE Fireflys :)
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