Edamame Beans

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So my beardie Megatron loves edamame beans, if i have them he'll chase me around the room until i give him one. I know they are safe food, but I can't find anything on how moderate to be with them. If anyone could let me know, Megatron would really appreciate it...they are his favorite snack.


Sub-Adult Member
Easy... You create a diet base based on the stapple veggies and fruits and every once in a while, you can add other veggies into the mix. This way he/she can have varieties. While the veggies that are listed to be fed occasionally or rarely may not be good for everyday feeding, they do contain other important vital nutrients, and by adding it to the diet base, you are giving your bearded some important nutrients to keep him healthy. I usually add the other veggies into the staple mix at least every other week for several days for this reason. Note: I add the occasional veggies that are listed as to be fed on occasion to the staple mix instead of giving to them on their own. This way they don't get a full dose of them and he's only eating a little at a time, spreading it out for several days, avoiding one, big, full dose; it's better that way. Kindda like we humans eating varieties of food...a little of that and a little of this. That's why we should also eat varieties...


Paradon":2o6kg7jx said:
I don't know if it's true, but they say soy is bad for you.

Who's "they"? and bad for who? beardie or human?

I didn't see soybeans on the food chart so I have avoided them, but I always have them on hand, so if I can feed them to my lizard that would be awesome!



Sub-Adult Member
Soy is a weird thing. It is not inherently "bad," however it does have enzymes and such that mimic certain hormones and can be dangerous/bad for certain people. In a larger sense, soy farming causes massive environmental damage and the way that soy is rendered and processed to make other foods like tofu has absolutely horrific side effects for the watersheds and surrounding ecosystems.

That aside, soy beans are a good source of iron and protein and have relatively little sugar. However the Ca:p is approximately 1.5:4, which indicates that they should be fed rather sparingly.


BD.org Addict
Soy really shouldn't be fed to reptiles. I'll try to find the info I read about it before.


Sub-Adult Member
I was hearing this years before that it can cause nuerological problem if eaten too much, or something like that, and years later, they say it's good for you. :?


BD.org Addict
I couldn't find the one page that had all the info about feeding soy to reptiles but I did find that it can bind calcium just like spinach and shouldn't be fed.

Sot is good for you in small amounts but most Americans who eat it regular, eat way too much and it can cause all kind of problems.
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