let him jump freely or put a leash on him?

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Mine haven't jumped yet, but i'm reading where a lot of them jump far when holding them.
Which would cause more harm - jumping (landing) or holding a leash?

I'd think the leash would kinda clothes-line them, but a bad land could hurt, too?


Extreme Poster
Well, mine thankfully hasent had any falls yet...
but i do own a leash and NU hates it! she carnt stand in and constanly tries to get outa it!
so i was just say dont hold them high or over hard surfaces :)


Gray-bearded Member
well, i use a leash... reason is because oneday I was running Phoenix a bath, and he LOVES my pit Benji...
so I was in the bathroom and benji came in (still cant figure out how he got in) and as soon as Phoenix saw him (phoenix was on my shoulder at this poitn and working his way up to my head) he took a leap of faith and landed actually on benji,lol, so now i use a leash, and yes i think it does clothes line him but hes only hanging for a second... it was quite interesting... another time (yes phoenix had his leash on) i had the dogs outside and phoenix and i were sitting in the floor watching TV. and hes running all over and decides to that its jungle-jim time,lol, so he proceeds to crawl up me, all up till he hit my shoulder, i looked over at him and he cocked his head and stuck his tounge at me and took yet another leap of faith... lucky him i was sitting down and was on carpet so he didnt have tooooo hard of a fall atleast,lol.
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