Transition into a new home

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Yesterday I brought home a 4 year old beardie we have named Puff. Found out the owner was only using 60 watt basking bulb, so replaced the lighting immediately. He also had him living in loose substrate, so I purchased reptile carpet and changed it out. I was just wondering what the transition is like for him, he has eaten crickets, no greens yet, and no poo, though it's only been a little over 24 hours since he's been here. He is in a 55 gallon tank that the olde owner sent along with us. I'm new to these, but have done extensive research and am confident in the setup. I also bathed him today, wanted to give him a few days to adjust, but he seemed so dry and dusty. He was active yesterday but hasn't moved today, just to r-e-a-c-h for a cricket. Am I safe to assume that the new lighting and perhaps the floor has put him off a bit? And do they get stressed? Just want to make the transition to his new home with our family the easiest. I trust the info here moreso than the past owner, seeing that I have already had to change a few things for him. Any info appreciated!



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Redkat":2kvej7hg said:

Yesterday I brought home a 4 year old beardie we have named Puff. Found out the owner was only using 60 watt basking bulb, so replaced the lighting immediately. He also had him living in loose substrate, so I purchased reptile carpet and changed it out. I was just wondering what the transition is like for him, he has eaten crickets, no greens yet, and no poo, though it's only been a little over 24 hours since he's been here. He is in a 55 gallon tank that the olde owner sent along with us. I'm new to these, but have done extensive research and am confident in the setup. I also bathed him today, wanted to give him a few days to adjust, but he seemed so dry and dusty. He was active yesterday but hasn't moved today, just to r-e-a-c-h for a cricket. Am I safe to assume that the new lighting and perhaps the floor has put him off a bit? And do they get stressed? Just want to make the transition to his new home with our family the easiest. I trust the info here moreso than the past owner, seeing that I have already had to change a few things for him. Any info appreciated!


Hi. :D Sometimes it can take a few weeks for a beardie to get used to his new home.
So you have a basking light that is a higher wattage now? Has this improved the basking area surface temperature? I just wanted to make sure you measured the temp since it's a higher wattage.
Does he also have a UVB light, too?


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Yes, got him a new UVB bulb, and the temp in the basking area has improved to 100*....he is refusing his salad, tho, I held the crickets this morning trying to wait him out to see if he will eat his greens, but nothing yet. He also hasn't pooped yet.


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They take time to adjust to a new environment. I would just give him time to get used to his view of his new room and comfortable with your family. We recently adopted a year old beardie who had been with its last owner since it was a baby. It took a few weeks to get him to eat more than a few bites, and one of those weeks he spent sleeping in his hide. I let him have his adjustment period and only bothered him when necessary. I kept offering food and taking him out once a week for a bath. Since he wasn't basking much I felt okay with once a week for the bath. Last week was his first week of really being 'normal' and hanging out on his hammock, eating salad and worms again. And we've had him for almost 2 months. Your dragon may adjust faster than mine did, but it is way too early to tell. Good luck getting him settled in! :D


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Thank you so much! I got him to eat some veggies hand-fed, will feel better once he relieves himself lol :)
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