Is my baby boy really a boy?

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Juvie Member
I got Striker at 6.5 months. The previous owner was confident he was a boy, and even showed me to look above the vent for his "balls". I saw 'em!! My boy had balls for sure!! But he was facing us belly forward.
In the last month or so, I've noticed weird behavior... Lots of digging, burrowing, and excessive glass dancing (though I'm hoping that just means he wants to come out and play with me).
I was reading a thread on here about a 'girly tail' and I made a joke to my boyfriend that Striker might be gay because he does the same thing.
We looked up how to sex a dragon properly, and we think "he" may be a she. Second opinions welcome.
If Striker is a girl, how does caring for a girl differ? What behaviours should I look for, and how do I deal with eggs?! Lol. I love the adventures Striker puts me through. Boy or girl, Striker's my baby. :)

How Striker was oriented for sexing before. See, balls above the vent. Lol.

And the proper way:


Hatchling Member

When your sexing a beardie your actually looking for the bumps in the tail side of the vent not the stomach side. Your angel on the camera of the second photo needs to be re-done and the tail pulled up a bit more but from what I can see it looks like a girl to me. But again I would pull the tail up and bit more and take another photo to be sure


Juvie Member
Original Poster
Thanks for the quick response. :)
In this pic I pulled the tail up as far as it would go without hurting my darling. Striker's definitely upset at being molested like this, lol, so hopefully this pic works. :)


Juvie Member
Original Poster
Thank you. :)
Does much of my care routine need to change for a girl? Any particular behaviours I should watch for?


Hatchling Member
Well for girls you really need to watch for egg laying. You'll need to buy a rubber maid container with play sand for when she starts showing signs which are: restlessness, digging, refusal to eat, and I hear they clean out their bowels pretty good before hand. But I've never owned a girl I've only read about it on here so hopefully someone will tell you more


Gray-bearded Member
Yep, she does look like a girl. I think the only behavior to watch for is egg laying. But that will be once she is a year or older I believe. Don't quote me on this, I have never had a girl. I could be wrong. There is no different care tat you would give a girl than a boy. The only thing that I think makes girls harder is the egg laying. I heard it puts stress on the owner and the beardie. But this site's 'Breeding' section has instructions on that when the time comes. And those what you called 'balls' are actually called femoral pores. They excrete hormones I believe. And both male and females have them, even though females are said to have smaller or none. But I have seen pics of females with larger femoral pores, and my male has small femoral pores. I would probably think Nim a girl if it weren't for this site, because this site has the proper way of sexing. Anyways, she is beautiful. And I hope this helps. :D


Juvie Member
Original Poster
There has been lots of burrowing lately. Lots. One of the reasons I wondered. Lol. I'll check out the breeding section, too, thanks :) I'm not planning to breed for several years, if ever at all, but it's nice to be prepared.
It'll be odd to adjust to calling Striker my girl instead, lol.
Now I'm secretly hoping Eri's a boy... Role reversal, lol.
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