Limping left front leg


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I think I’m going to have to take her to a rescue in Cleveland. She feels bloated today. She’s not turning Blackbeard though? I gave her some pumpkin - she did lick a bit.
I paid a lot to rescue her on Marketplace. A 75 or more gallon tank (front and top openings).
I think I just have to bite the bullet and give everything to them.
Ever since my 5 yr old rather big boy passed after a surgery, not had any blessings.
I’d keep the enclosure but I don’t know where to get another that is from a reputable source.
Maybe I’m just done.

KarrieRee Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 4
I think I’m going to have to take her to a rescue in Cleveland. She feels bloated today. She’s not turning Blackbeard though? I gave her some pumpkin - she did lick a bit.
I paid a lot to rescue her on Marketplace. A 75 or more gallon tank (front and top openings).
I think I just have to bite the bullet and give everything to them.
Ever since my 5 yr old rather big boy passed after a surgery, not had any blessings.
I’d keep the enclosure but I don’t know where to get another that is from a reputable source.
Maybe I’m just done.
I would not give up on her --- keep offering the salads - why do you want to give the tank and her to a rescue- dragons can be stubborn - mine took years to get him to eat his salads - hes now 6 -


Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
What about the bloating? I’ve never had this problem before. She went into her blackout hide and tried to dig for about a half hour.
My first one… he didn’t have many issues. I’ve had two others since. Mouth rot and broken jaw on next.

KarrieRee Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 4
What about the bloating? I’ve never had this problem before. She went into her blackout hide and tried to dig for about a half hour.
My first one… he didn’t have many issues. I’ve had two others since. Mouth rot and broken jaw on next.
Wow were those all rescues? Your dragon is female she may be gravid - try feeling for eggs set up a dig box - I will post what you can use

Plain topsoil that doesn't have any type of chemicals or fertilizers in it, mixed with sand, etc. Be sure it is at least 10-12 inches deep & that the mix is damp enough to where it will hold up to her making a burrow but not sopping wet to have standing water.
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Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

Just wondering how your girl is doing? Did you get a laybox made up
for her now in case she does have eggs?
Be sure & give her extra calcium in case she is developing eggs right
Let us know how things are coming along.



Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
Wow were those all rescues? Your dragon is female she may be gravid - try feeling for eggs set up a dig box - I will post what you can use

Plain topsoil that doesn't have any type of chemicals or fertilizers in it, mixed with sand, etc. Be sure it is at least 10-12 inches deep & that the mix is damp enough to where it will hold up to her making a burrow but not sopping wet to have standing water.
Sorry I didn’t see this until now.
Yes, all rescues.
I suspected this yesterday though. So, I just felt around before I saw your post. And yep, I feel some round bumps.
Can I use a big plastic bin? Thats all I have here.
Does she need heat?
She hasn’t eaten in a few days and not much water. Will she have the strength?
Should I break down and give her some hornworms or mealworms?
She’s very lethargic so I better get this done today.

Ok, I’ve never been a mother.
I think I’m now a frantic mom!!!


Original Poster
Beardie name(s)

Just wondering how your girl is doing? Did you get a laybox made up
for her now in case she does have eggs?
Be sure & give her extra calcium in case she is developing eggs right
Let us know how things are coming along.

Hi. I just responded to KarrieRee.
I think you’ll see it down somewhere. I haven’t been on here for about a week. She hasn’t eaten for several days. So hasn’t had any calcium for a bit.
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Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
Wow were those all rescues? Your dragon is female she may be gravid - try feeling for eggs set up a dig box - I will post what you can use

Plain topsoil that doesn't have any type of chemicals or fertilizers in it, mixed with sand, etc. Be sure it is at least 10-12 inches deep & that the mix is damp enough to where it will hold up to her making a burrow but not sopping wet to have standing water.
Ok, topsoil and sand 50/50? Any particular sand?
Put to in my tank with side cut out so she can get heat? My tank is only 17” high so I don’t know what to do???
I have an 11” clear tub…. Do I put in tank? How to do so she can actually get in it if I put that much topsoil/sand in?
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KarrieRee Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 4
Ok, topsoil and sand 50/50? Any particular sand?
Put to in my tank with side cut out so she can get heat? My tank is only 17” high so I don’t know what to do???
I have an 11” clear tub…. Do I put in tank? How to do so she can actually get in it if I put that much topsoil/sand in?

Plain topsoil that doesn't have any type of chemicals or fertilizers in it, mixed with sand, etc. Be sure it is at least 10-12 inches deep & that the mix is damp enough to where it will hold up to her making a burrow but not sopping wet to have standing water. And yes I would use your heat lamp just make sure you watch your temps- the plastic tub is fine -- playsand
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Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
I posted another reply above this one.
She hasn’t eaten for about 5 days so no calcium . Should I offer her some horn or mealworms so she can have some strength. I also have a call into my vet. Hopefully she’s not “impacted” or whatever it’s called.
Thank you for putting up with me 🥴

KarrieRee Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 4
I posted another reply above this one.
She hasn’t eaten for about 5 days so no calcium . Should I offer her some horn or mealworms so she can have some strength. I also have a call into my vet. Hopefully she’s not “impacted” or whatever it’s called.
Thank you for putting up with me 🥴
Is she losing weight? Dust some horn worms w/ calcium or meal worms see if she will eat those-- I am going to have AHBD help you here
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Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
Thanks…. Not sure if I need this or not. I’ll wait until AHBD responds to put it in. Because I’m also not sure how much moisture to add.
I think I should probably start another thread about Rico being gravid.


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