Limping left front leg

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

That is great news she finally started eating some greens! I guess she figured that she needed to eat
something. It's a great sign if she was up & basking waiting for you! Shedding is a very good sign, too
so hopefully she is improving a lot now.
At least she also ate some insects too but maybe things will be more balanced for her with her nutrition.
Always nice to get positive outcomes, that is for sure!
You can post anytime. You can keep this thread open as long as you would like, no problem at all!



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She killed her greens today while I was a work. Of course, the more she eats, the more she poops… she had some solid in enclosure.
I let her out on the floor. Thank God she did this on the linoleum- straight liquid???
Since she’s eating greens that I wet down before I go to work, back off on trying to syringe some water??? Gave a couple good sized hornworms last night also. And about 40 mealworms.
Now it’s turned into a feeding question.
I think she’s mad at me now…. I block off under couch and every way she can get behind furniture and crevasses in kitchen. I rent a small cottage but ample room for her to get exercise.
But…. One block is a fireplace gate that folds. She figured out she can climb that. Put books in front. She figured out which books she could climb onto. Switched the books now she can’t jump that high 😂
Yeah she’s not happy.
Give her an inch and she wants to take a mile 😂
But I’m also wondering what I can get for her to climb vertical as she’s out…


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Rico is shedded her head. Nothing else looks like it’s shedding. Kind of weird.
I think I got all the shed in one piece out of both nostrils. They look open???
She’s eating good. But last couple days glass-surfing, even though I let her out for a bit. Humidity is good.
Maybe uvb needs replaced?

KarrieRee Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 4
Rico is shedded her head. Nothing else looks like it’s shedding. Kind of weird.
I think I got all the shed in one piece out of both nostrils. They look open???
She’s eating good. But last couple days glass-surfing, even though I let her out for a bit. Humidity is good.
Maybe uvb needs replaced?
How old is the UVB ?

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

That's good to know she got her shed finished up & her nostrils, too. It sounds like she is very active
& trying to climb on everything too! They do love to climb. So I guess you will be dragon proofing the
play area for her!


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