Beadie not eating


New member
Hello, I'm growing concerned as my bearded dragon has not been eating practically anything for the past week and he has lost a lot of weight. I have three major concerns and at the moment, I'm still looking for a vet as the one I had been to didn't serve bearded dragons. Firstly, he refuses to eat anything but mealworms and sleeps all day, digging a burrow in his cage. Secondly, there has been blood in his feces. The first time it happened was when he stopped eating, so I thought it was due to impaction, but then it happened a second time, and now I'm not sure. Lastly, he is still young, and I feel as if I hadn't switched to a veggie diet in time, and now he won't eat veggies. I have been using Fluker's bearded dragon diet pellets prior. He has the proper lighting, and I'm not sure if it's impaction. Please help 🙏


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KarrieRee Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 4
Hello, I'm growing concerned as my bearded dragon has not been eating practically anything for the past week and he has lost a lot of weight. I have three major concerns and at the moment, I'm still looking for a vet as the one I had been to didn't serve bearded dragons. Firstly, he refuses to eat anything but mealworms and sleeps all day, digging a burrow in his cage. Secondly, there has been blood in his feces. The first time it happened was when he stopped eating, so I thought it was due to impaction, but then it happened a second time, and now I'm not sure. Lastly, he is still young, and I feel as if I hadn't switched to a veggie diet in time, and now he won't eat veggies. I have been using Fluker's bearded dragon diet pellets prior. He has the proper lighting, and I'm not sure if it's impaction. Please help 🙏
Please stop the meal worms ---- start feeding salads every day and use BSFL to attract him to the -- he looks a little thin ---- please also get him some dubia roaches as well order by their chart for the size - insects should be no bigger than the space between his eyes --- proper lighting please explain--- surface basking temps should be 95-100 for a dragon over 6 months and a digital probe thermometer should be used to get that temp -- UVB a long tube fixture NO coils please ---- not all long tube fixtures are good ones as well -

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

What is his age? He does look a bit thin so he still needs protein to maintain his health.
What type & brand of UVB light are you using currently?
If he has some blood in his stool, then he may have a heavy load of worms or parasites that
are causing intestinal distress.

Let us know how he is doing.

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