Someone please take a look at Pancake's radiograph for me. I'm very worried.


Hatchling Member
Beardie name(s)
Hey everyone. Some of you might remember the Pancake Egg Saga from early 2023 which ended in her getting spay surgery and her eggs removed.

Lately she has been surfing for hours nonstop every single day as soon as she wakes up in the morning and I honestly thought her abdomen looked a little bumpy. My mom finally agreed to take her to the local vet we take our dogs to, just to get the x-rays.

I just got these images and I don't want to make any assumptions about what's going on in there but I'm very worried. We are going to be forwarding the images to my current reptile vet so he can look at them but I really need some input ASAP.

For context, the old vet who did her surgery said there was an infection present during the surgery and that it was a "mess" in there, including yolk from burst eggs. He said that if we had waited any longer it would've eventually become cancerous. He said he removed all of the infected stuff(?) during the surgery, but he did not put Pancake on any sort of antibiotics or even pain medicine post-op. My main concern is that everything was not "cleaned up" as he said. That day when we were picking her up, I observed that the vet had dirt under his nails and roaches in the exam room. We've since gotten the hell out of there and started going to a new vet who is an ARAV member.

But yeah someone please look at these and tell me what you think. The vet I saw today said he didn't see any eggs, but he doesn't know what he's looking at (not a herp vet) and neither do I. I'm also concerned about if there may be some infection going on. Thank you in advance.


AHBD Sicko
Well there might be eggs again. Sometimes the spay is not successful in removing all eggs + follicles sand the dragon develops eggs again. Try not to worry about infection, even if the vet had dirty finger nails they do use throw away latex gloves , and even IF he saw infection inside it would have affected her long ago.

So she might be carrying eggs again or just be feeling the spring fever, hormonal surge that can make them very restless. Be sure to have a laybox ready though.


Juvie Member
Beardie name(s)
Looks like eggs.. The vet who did my girl Charlie's said something similar might happen to her after her spay, because it was also 'a mess' - but they did put her on antibiotics and did a histopath to rule out cancer. They said they think (key word being think here) they got everything out but in case the ovary regrows they can go back in to remove it.

Might not be needed though if pancake can lay herself, should be less eggs too if only one ovary regrew.

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

It does look suspiciously like eggs. There have been several incidents in which a person's female was spayed but not everything was apparently removed & follicles grew back.
Since it was such a mess, it can be tricky to get it all cleaned out.
How is she doing, is she eating & basking?



Hatchling Member
Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
Looks like eggs.. The vet who did my girl Charlie's said something similar might happen to her after her spay, because it was also 'a mess' - but they did put her on antibiotics and did a histopath to rule out cancer. They said they think (key word being think here) they got everything out but in case the ovary regrows they can go back in to remove it.

Might not be needed though if pancake can lay herself, should be less eggs too if only one ovary regrew.
I believe she almost certainly can't lay; she had to have basically an emergency surgery to get them out ASAP last time because she absolutely refused to even try to push. i tried a lay box for weeks for her but she would just try to get out out or just sit there for hours. no digging behavior whatsoever
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Hatchling Member
Original Poster
Beardie name(s)

It does look suspiciously like eggs. There have been several incidents in which a person's female was spayed but not everything was apparently removed & follicles grew back.
Since it was such a mess, it can be tricky to get it all cleaned out.
How is she doing, is she eating & basking?

She mostly surfs in the same corner right next to her basking spot. She will usually eat her bugs but only a few times has she actually eaten any greens I've offered the past few months. She'll bask for a while after she eats, but some days when she's done surfing she just sits in her cave on the cool side all day unless I lure her out with treats. Yesterday at the vet I noticed she actually has rubbed a raw spot on one of her hands from surfing so much.

AHBD Sicko
She may still be able to lay eggs, last time it may have been that she would have laid them within days of her surgery but we'll never know for sure. I wish you + Pancake the best outcome !


Hatchling Member
Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
She may still be able to lay eggs, last time it may have been that she would have laid them within days of her surgery but we'll never know for sure. I wish you + Pancake the best outcome !
Oh okay, good to know. I really really hope she lays them this time. Thank you so much

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

I agree, she can hopefully get them laid this time, without any trouble. It sounds like she is doing well & is very active. Please keep us posted on her progress. Be sure to get some extra calcium into her right now just to help make sure her calcium levels are optimal.



Hatchling Member
Original Poster
Beardie name(s)

Just checking in, to see how your girl is doing today?

Thanks for checking in. She's still surfing like crazy but she ate a couple roaches first this morning. Also head bopped at me a lot. Vet emailed back that he doesn't see any eggs but asked if I wanted to forward it to exotic radiograph specialist or something. Idk if it's necessary or not?

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

Great, at least she is healthy & active. They do love to head bob at us & at everything else around
them! That is up to you, I'm sure that they would probably charge extra for having a specialist look
at it. You could probably wait a bit to see if she lays them on her own. There are definitely eggs in
the x-rays though.
Keep us posted on her!



Hatchling Member
Original Poster
Beardie name(s)

Great, at least she is healthy & active. They do love to head bob at us & at everything else around
them! That is up to you, I'm sure that they would probably charge extra for having a specialist look
at it. You could probably wait a bit to see if she lays them on her own. There are definitely eggs in
the x-rays though.
Keep us posted on her!

Yeah I think I will wait a bit. I'll just make sure she's getting extra calcium and everything. I don't know why both vets said they didn't see any when they are literally right there, but I'm just glad I got the x-rays so I know what's going on and can prepare. She ate some breakfast and was basking when I left the house this morning.

I will keep you posted, thanks!


Drache613 Sicko
Staff member
Hello Cheyenne!

I know, that really doesn't make any sense that they can't see them right there on the x-rays!
That helps to know ahead of time so you can have everything ready for her.
That's great she ate something for breakfast & I hope she basked for a good portion of the day!


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