Vet told me 'a fungal infection' on his belly


Sub-Adult Member
A couple of months ago, I took Maya to the vet. The vet was convinced that the area on his belly was 'fungal' related. So I treated it for 14 days. It didn't go away. (Wait. No. I did not give him any internal antifungals. All external.) Soaks in betadine solution for 14 days and then once a week. (To avoid any fungal infections after his treatment.
I gave him a soak- to wash him because he's a messy eater.
Today, the 'fungal infection' is starting to actually shed! It is actually retained shed. It is shedding off and there's white healthy scales.
I also gave him a dose of Col. Silver last night. I know fungal infections don't shed. They get worse. I was so worried about him having this fungal infection.
The vet will get a surprise when I take him in for an exotic exam and the whole 'shedding' spot is gone.
Oh, he doesn't eat a lot of fruit. It's like once a year that he gets a blueberry or a raspberry. Once a year.

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

Do you have pictures you can post, just so we can see?
The yellowish area could have been some old dry retained shed that has now shed off successfully.
You used just a topical anti-fungal for him? The colloidal silver is helpful for fungal infections also. I
am happy to hear his skin is looking healthy. He can have little pieces of fruit from time to time, no
problem at all.
I am happy he has improved so much for you!



Sub-Adult Member
Original Poster
For reference to shed.


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Sub-Adult Member
Original Poster

Do you have pictures you can post, just so we can see?
The yellowish area could have been some old dry retained shed that has now shed off successfully.
You used just a topical anti-fungal for him? The colloidal silver is helpful for fungal infections also. I
am happy to hear his skin is looking healthy. He can have little pieces of fruit from time to time, no
problem at all.
I am happy he has improved so much for you!

A couple of months ago, I treated the yellowish spot on his belly. It feels like and sounds like shed. Crinkly noise.


Sub-Adult Member
Original Poster
His 'retained' shed is slowly coming off. I just rub and it just comes right off - as if it stuck to him like a glue. He's happy now that some of it's off. His eye started to 'explode' crackle. (Shed.) He sulked until I helped him with his eye. (He rubs his eye on my fingers. Also he has not had an appetite since it started to come off.

Claudiusx Sicko
Staff member
I agree with AHBD. The picture is a little blurry though. A clearer picture with better lighting would help know for sure.



Sub-Adult Member
Original Poster
That looks like shed to me, not Y.F. Did the vet do a skin scrape ? Yellow fungus CAN shed off + come back but it doesn't look like this.
The Vet didn't do a scale/ skin scrape at all. He just said a fungal infection of some type. However, wouldn't the scales remain- yellow and crusty? (He had no yellow crusty. It's clear white scales.
I agree with AHBD. The picture is a little blurry though. A clearer picture with better lighting would help know for sure.

I'll try to get a better photo. I have very poor lighting in my house and the only lighting I truly have in here are from two big skylights and a front window.


Sub-Adult Member
Original Poster
I agree with AHBD. The picture is a little blurry though. A clearer picture with better lighting would help know for sure.

I don't usually hold him one handed. Here's his belly.


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AHBD Sicko
It looks like shed, there IS one odd looking area nesr the " armpit " area in the first pic.
BTW you can just hold him up but leave his back legs supporting him on the table so he's not uncomfortabe.


Sub-Adult Member
Original Poster
It looks like shed, there IS one odd looking area nesr the " armpit " area in the first pic.
BTW you can just hold him up but leave his back legs supporting him on the table so he's not uncomfortabe.
I can do that tomorrow because he's asleep. I saw that as well. It's been 'treated' as well. And it came a week or two after the belly shed. I'll see if I can get a better picture.


Sub-Adult Member
Original Poster
It looks like shed, there IS one odd looking area nesr the " armpit " area in the first pic.
BTW you can just hold him up but leave his back legs supporting him on the table so he's not uncomfortabe.
Ok, so, he was lying there with eyes open and took a looksie at the armpit. It's shed. Came right off him. It keeps 'sloughing' off and I looked under the shed. White. He's still shedding the rest of his belly.

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

So that area under her arm shed off then? The belly area looks perfectly fine though. I'm glad
he is doing well & you were able to get it all taken care ot.


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