Egg bound? Or not ready to lay?


Sub-Adult Member
Hey guys my Amber just pooped and an egg was present I'm wondering if I should go see my vet because she is in full nesting mode digging everything.

I'm concerned because she isn't having her eggs all at once it's been close to a week now and she has only laid 6 total.

She did eat a few crickets this morning and then pooped and had a egg in it she is active alert and has boundless energy at the moment.

AHBD Sicko
It seems like they're coming out and she's still digging she should be fine. Remember, the only thing a vet would do in this situation is to give a shot of Oxytocin to help the eggs along. So if you DO call a vet, ask about that. If you go to a vet that has little experince with gravid beardies they might waste your time + money with calcium + vitamin shots that are of no use in this situation. So you would want to ask about the Oxytocin specifically.


Sub-Adult Member
Original Poster
It seems like they're coming out and she's still digging she should be fine. Remember, the only thing a vet would do in this situation is to give a shot of Oxytocin to help the eggs along. So if you DO call a vet, ask about that. If you go to a vet that has little experince with gravid beardies they might waste your time + money with calcium + vitamin shots that are of no use in this situation. So you would want to ask about the Oxytocin specifically.
I called my vet and earliest is Wednesday the latest is Saturday she is digging a insane amount but she is eating 1-4 crickets or so the last 3 days.

I worry that she won't be able to lay any and it's got my nerves all shaken up she wants out of her enclosure to dig if I'm home and sometimes she will go in her lay box when I don't take her out.

She's my baby girl and I don't want anything to happen to her I would never forgive myself she does seem to have 2 "lumps" on both sides of the vent.

I have just never had this problem before she laid like a champ last year but she is much smaller this year.

Also I'm not a expert on this so I'll ask when she has pooped a considerable amount she also laid a egg/eggs at the same time is this normal? Last year was a breeze compared to this year


Sub-Adult Member
Original Poster
Do you have a pic of her nest box ? It sounds like she wants to lay but is not quite comfortable in it.
I went to snap a pic and she was laying an egg and she has been digging then stops for a bit then digs again but she stopped about 15 mins ago and I'm unsure if I should peek in it again or leave her be.

She poked her head out once and other than that it's dead silent I just worry she trapped herself or something.

Pics are new I snapped them a few days ago her box is the same as it was last year I try to do a 50/50 reptile soil and Jurassic sand I believe it's called that's harvested from their natural habitat


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AHBD Sicko
They go very still when laying and do not get trapped at all. She is prob. laying right now. Just leave her be now.
Remember that in the wild many baby reptiles have to come out of the egg and dig up through the hard packed earth. A big strong beardie doesn't get stuck in a few inches of soft soil. Just to put your mind at ease. :)


Sub-Adult Member
Original Poster
They go very still when laying and do not get trapped at all. She is prob. laying right now. Just leave her be now.
Remember that in the wild many baby reptiles have to come out of the egg and dig up through the hard packed earth. A big strong beardie doesn't get stuck in a few inches of soft soil. Just to put your mind at ease. :)
I try but it's very rough when I worry so much this pic is the sand I get I peeked the first time and she looks at me like she wanted privacy so I let her be.

She did peek out as she was covering the corner she was in and then turned around and dug a bit then stopped so I'll leave her be


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Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

I agree, the laybox looks perfectly fine! I'm sure she will be able to work with it without any problems.
Keep us posted on how she is doing!


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