Can bearded dragons become to overheated? (Outside and in enclosure)


Sub-Adult Member
Hey guys we are going through a heatwave it reaches close to 90+ degrees not including heat index and humidity that makes it feel like 100-115.

I figured I'd let my Amber out and she was on my back and IMMEDIATELY gaped her mouth closed her eyes and began to bask in the sun.

She stayed there for a bit then crawled down my back into the grass took 2 steps and pooped (3rd poop since having a clutch).

She went to the shade and I felt her belly and she was wicked wicked hot it felt like I was holding a hot stone.

I'm guessing her seeking shade after basking was her way of saying she was hot? I brought her inside and she's laying on my bed with me and not in her enclosure (basking spot is 105.6 with a 100W bulb)

Sorry for the story just wanna make sure she doesn't get overheated and what I can do to keep her a bit cooler the ambient is 82 degrees (room temp also)

Claudiusx Sicko
Staff member
They most definitely can. That's why it's important when taking your dragon outside that you also provide them with a shady area to retreat to. They know when they are too hot and need to cool down just like every other creature. It's when they are prevented from escaping the heat and finding a cool place to cool down that health issues occur.



Juvie Member
Beardie name(s)
A bearded dragon can overheat, but the risk is minimal if the dragon can retreat from the heat source.

Regarding feeling hot: I sometimes touched the surface where my dragon likes to bask. (Of course I use a thermometer; I just touched it for fun! Just for a bit: how does it feel to be in there?) The back of my hand (facing the lamp) was soooo hot, no, I could not bear it. He sits there for half an hour... Also, on hot days and around noon, when I open the enclosure and stick my head in, oh boy.... But: Their skin is thicker than ours, and they need more heat than what we like. (And on the other hand: They cannot sweat, so they cannot cool off as well as we can do on our own.)
As long as the dragon can retreat, and it is not overly (!) hot, I'd say it's fine.
(Just saw the posting from Claudiusx coming in while I wrote mine: Fully agree with that!)


Sub-Adult Member
Original Poster
They most definitely can. That's why it's important when taking your dragon outside that you also provide them with a shady area to retreat to. They know when they are too hot and need to cool down just like every other creature. It's when they are prevented from escaping the heat and finding a cool place to cool down that health issues occur.

In her enclosure she will sit under her basking platform (it's hollow underneath and shady) if she's hot but wants the heat still because it's acrylic.

Outside I have shady spots under trees and bushes and depending on the sun position she can also go towards a white pick it fence that offers shade as well.

I always make sure she has a place to rest in the shade and never prevent her from seeking shade (though I move with her and supervise her).

She will bask in the sun for a good 30 mins or so sometimes even longer (depending on the day time temp in the sun) and then she will climb off me and seek shade to cool off it's around maybe 10 degrees cooler in the shade depending on the humidity and ambient temp


Juvie Member
Beardie name(s)

That sound's perfectly good :) This is very similar to their natural environment.
The issues are more with e.g. dragons in very small enclosures not being able to retreat from the heat, or dragons outdoors without being possible to hide (hiking with dragon on the shoulder and no backpack or sling into which it can retreat, dragon in outdoor enclosure without shady spots).


Sub-Adult Member
Original Poster
A bearded dragon can overheat, but the risk is minimal if the dragon can retreat from the heat source.

Regarding feeling hot: I sometimes touched the surface where my dragon likes to bask. (Of course I use a thermometer; I just touched it for fun! Just for a bit: how does it feel to be in there?) The back of my hand (facing the lamp) was soooo hot, no, I could not bear it. He sits there for half an hour... Also, on hot days and around noon, when I open the enclosure and stick my head in, oh boy.... But: Their skin is thicker than ours, and they need more heat than what we like. (And on the other hand: They cannot sweat, so they cannot cool off as well as we can do on our own.)
As long as the dragon can retreat, and it is not overly (!) hot, I'd say it's fine.
(Just saw the posting from Claudiusx coming in while I wrote mine: Fully agree with that!)
Funny story I stuck my head in her enclosure just to see how it feels and damn I accidentally touched the top of her enclosure and burnt my head and was sweating within 2 mins.

Her platform is hot depending what bulb I'm using (150W winter/fall or 50W-100W spring/summer) but nothing I couldn't handle.

I use a probe thermometer both on her platform and on the cool side of her enclosure so I can do a quick temp check without opening the enclosure especially in the middle of the night.

Everyone here recommended to use a thermometer with a probe over a heat gun or anything like that


Sub-Adult Member
Original Poster

That sound's perfectly good :) This is very similar to their natural environment.
The issues are more with e.g. dragons in very small enclosures not being able to retreat from the heat, or dragons outdoors without being possible to hide (hiking with dragon on the shoulder and no backpack or sling into which it can retreat, dragon in outdoor enclosure without shady spots).
That's my one worry about bringing her with me on a walk obviously there is shady spots to rest out of the sun but lot of bird activity that can spook her.

Even though I would invest in a leash I still am not sure how she would do with walking and having heavy loud vehicles going by (live a few blocks from a minor highway).

If I was in a vehicle and could get there without having to subject her to the loud noises I would bring her no doubt about it.

Her enclosure is 120G Zen Habitat so she has room to hide to cool off and bask when she wants.


Juvie Member
Beardie name(s)
All sounds perfectly fine :)

For hiking or in general going somewhere where you don't want to bring a sturdy carrier, a small bag that you carry in front of you (like a fanny pack, also available especially for dragons) can be helpful. The dragon can sit in there and look out, and a leash can also be attached to that.


Sub-Adult Member
Original Poster
All sounds perfectly fine :)

For hiking or in general going somewhere where you don't want to bring a sturdy carrier, a small bag that you carry in front of you (like a fanny pack, also available especially for dragons) can be helpful. The dragon can sit in there and look out, and a leash can also be attached to that.
Definitely gonna check in to that

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