Female bearded dragon acting crazy


Original Poster
I recently bought my bearded dragon, Liz, a new UVB light, it is the reptisun T5 10.00. Ever since installing it she has so much energy and is scratching and surfing on the doors on her enclosure. The only time that she calms down is when she is out of her tank and at bedtime. She is pooping almost every day and is eating perfectly fine. Since she is about 2 years old now I suspected that maybe she was gravid, but she isn’t showing any other signs besides the surfing and scratching. I am not sure what to do to calm her down. I am in contact with my vets office, but won’t hear anything until tomorrow. Any suggestions?


BD.org Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 4
I recently bought my bearded dragon, Liz, a new UVB light, it is the reptisun T5 10.00. Ever since installing it she has so much energy and is scratching and surfing on the doors on her enclosure. The only time that she calms down is when she is out of her tank and at bedtime. She is pooping almost every day and is eating perfectly fine. Since she is about 2 years old now I suspected that maybe she was gravid, but she isn’t showing any other signs besides the surfing and scratching. I am not sure what to do to calm her down. I am in contact with my vets office, but won’t hear anything until tomorrow. Any suggestions?
Has she ever laid eggs? Can you feel for eggs? Where is the UVB ? inside the tank or top of screen? Any digging?


BD.org Addict
Photo Comp Winner
Beardie name(s)
Zen , Ruby ,Snicker Doodles, Sweet Pea, Sinatra
Look at your light through your phones camera. I had one going crazy once and my ZooMed fixtures had failed. I'll link a thread I had about it and there's a video so you can see what was happening. Once I replaced the fixture she xalmed right down.



Original Poster
Look at your light through your phones camera. I had one going crazy once and my ZooMed fixtures had failed. I'll link a thread I had about it and there's a video so you can see what was happening. Once I replaced the fixture she xalmed right down.

My light isn’t doing that, that is really strange though. It is so weird because she is eating and pooping perfectly fine. It may be because she didn’t have the right uvb before this new one?


Original Poster
She calmed down around 4 pm today, she looked worn out from being so energetic today. She will want to come out of her tank, and then as soon as she’s out she calms down, her absolute favorite thing is to sit at the window and look outside, I think that is what is getting her so riled up is because she can see the window.


BD.org Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 4
She calmed down around 4 pm today, she looked worn out from being so energetic today. She will want to come out of her tank, and then as soon as she’s out she calms down, her absolute favorite thing is to sit at the window and look outside, I think that is what is getting her so riled up is because she can see the window.
Her tank is big enough--- the UVB is inside the tank directly above the basking decor 12-15 inches? If all is good w/ temps and lighting and no digging she is fixated on the window - I would get her out for about 2 hrs let her sit in the window if that is what she likes -- see if that calms her down


Original Poster
Her tank is big enough--- the UVB is inside the tank directly above the basking decor 12-15 inches? If all is good w/ temps and lighting and no digging she is fixated on the window - I would get her out for about 2 hrs let her sit in the window if that is what she likes -- see if that calms her down
I put in a dig box and she started digging in it, should I assume that she is trying to lay eggs?

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