Curious about Neurological Issues


Sub-Adult Member
Original Poster
What are the signs and symptoms of having a neurological issue in bearded dragons?
I cannot diagnose Maya as having neurological issues because I'm not a vet, but it wouldn't hurt to know what type of behaviors there are.

One: I have also read about paralyzed backs being due to impaction- yes, he pooped twice recently and I know it's not impaction.
Two: Prior, he had very hard urates. I also read that that can contribute to a paralyzed spine because it would be hard to pass those hard urates.
Three: I battled his hard urates and contributed them to being dehydrated from not eating enough greens and drinking enough water. I started off with feeding him three times a day. Morning and night- greens. And slurries in the afternoon. His urates are no longer hard. And he eats and drinks regularly.
Four: He rolls over on his back and will roll back over on his own once he realizes how he can.

KarrieRee Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 4
What are the signs and symptoms of having a neurological issue in bearded dragons?
I cannot diagnose Maya as having neurological issues because I'm not a vet, but it wouldn't hurt to know what type of behaviors there are.

One: I have also read about paralyzed backs being due to impaction- yes, he pooped twice recently and I know it's not impaction.
Two: Prior, he had very hard urates. I also read that that can contribute to a paralyzed spine because it would be hard to pass those hard urates.
Three: I battled his hard urates and contributed them to being dehydrated from not eating enough greens and drinking enough water. I started off with feeding him three times a day. Morning and night- greens. And slurries in the afternoon. His urates are no longer hard. And he eats and drinks regularly.
Four: He rolls over on his back and will roll back over on his own once he realizes how he can.
I am going to have Tracie our vet tech answer your questions

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

I PM'd you, but will answer some on the public forum here also.
You mentioned you are now using a T5 tube bulb, correct? Which brand is it?
Can he walk or climb very well? You had said he had a hard time walking up his ramp?
Have you posted a picture of his tank setup here for us to see?
To be sure he is getting enough calcium go ahead & increase his calcium to 4-5 times
per week.
Has his beard been normal color or darker in color?



Sub-Adult Member
Original Poster

I PM'd you, but will answer some on the public forum here also.
You mentioned you are now using a T5 tube bulb, correct? Which brand is it?
Can he walk or climb very well? You had said he had a hard time walking up his ramp?
Have you posted a picture of his tank setup here for us to see?
To be sure he is getting enough calcium go ahead & increase his calcium to 4-5 times
per week.
Has his beard been normal color or darker in color?

1: T5 Reptisun 10.0 HO, had been an Arcadia 12% a year ago. Recently changed the UVB a few months ago.
2: He walks with an unsteady gait- one arm gets stuck under him and then falls over.
3: I'll increase calcium with liquid calcium. (His calcium schedule is once a day and a calcium with d3 on Saturdays.) He returns to his normal calcium schedule on Sunday through Friday.
4: Normal white and no darkness.

5: I've lowered his basking areas to the floor. Everything is padded.
Basking perches below. He spends 100% on the bicycle cushion. Loves it.


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KarrieRee Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 4
Make sure the uvb is in the tank distance around 13 inches- if he's falling over I would use rolled up dish towels or have the uvb directly above him 13 inches from floor


Sub-Adult Member
Original Poster
Make sure the uvb is in the tank distance around 13 inches- if he's falling over I would use rolled up dish towels or have the uvb directly above him 13 inches from floor
I'll check it to see how far he is from the UVB. I was more focused on keeping him from falling and hurting himself. It was 13 inches when the perch was lifted on a couple of bricks. But, I had to move the bricks to the side, roll up some cloths up to create a cushion all throughout. I had a pair of pants that were also there, but he would struggle to climb up on it so I had to remove the pants. They were fleece pants and it might have been too much for him.
I'm in the middle of going basic and padded. Everything has to be padded now.

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