Lilly breaks 100g and 4 months

Today marks the day that Lilly has been longer with me then with the initial breeder. And what a developement she has put on, coming from 17.5cm and just 12g at 2 months old to now 4 months old, 31cm and 110g.

She's also more into exporing the office (where her tank is located) and doesn't even seem to want to go home at times :)

This last week she only grew 0.5cm but put on well over 20g and I think it shows that she's putting on some mass and gaining in width. But feel free to judge by yourself ;)


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Sub-Adult Member
Beardie name(s)
Yes, she has grown up! Has her character changed? It's great that you give her the opportunity to explore everything around her, if things continue like this you will need to give her her own place in the room. :D


Sub-Adult Member
Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
Luis and Lilith
She already shows very well the typical beardie shape :) Absolutely no lizard shape anymore.
She does, that's where I think she is putting all this weight :)
Is Taco out of brumation yet or has he gone back to sleep?
Yes, she has grown up! Has her character changed? It's great that you give her the opportunity to explore everything around her, if things continue like this you will need to give her her own place in the room. :D
She has always been brave but now she gets more and more curious and independent. She's not returning to me as frequently on her free time.
And she now knows that if she doesn't want Dubias today, she doesn't need to eat them because I'll give her her favourite Locusts anyway.
But she is more calm also. She still puffs up sometimes but not as often as before.

xp29 Addict
Photo Comp Winner
Beardie name(s)
Zen , Ruby ,Snicker Doodles, Sweet Pea, Sinatra
Man she is flourishing 😍
I think she has out grown Zsa Zsa by quite a bit. To me it's a testament of how good her care is.


Sub-Adult Member
Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
Luis and Lilith
Man she is flourishing 😍
I think she has out grown Zsa Zsa by quite a bit. To me it's a testament of how good her care is.
Thank you, lots of which I learned from you!

Her size is fantastic, I think it might hep that I picked her up when she was really young. The breeder took good care of her but if you have 30 babys, it is impossible to make sure every one gets their share. She was one of the dominant ones but I could take way more time to make sure she eats and drinks enough. :)


Juvie Member
Beardie name(s)
Taco basked today. I'm looking forward for tomorrow, let's see if he stays up.

Also like to highlight the things learned here which enable me to prevent mistakes and enable me to give my dragon a great life!

xp29 Addict
Photo Comp Winner
Beardie name(s)
Zen , Ruby ,Snicker Doodles, Sweet Pea, Sinatra
Thank you, lots of which I learned from you!

Her size is fantastic, I think it might hep that I picked her up when she was really young. The breeder took good care of her but if you have 30 babys, it is impossible to make sure every one gets their share. She was one of the dominant ones but I could take way more time to make sure she eats and drinks enough. :)
Really young beardies can be super challenging especially if the keeper is new to beardies. But like you said, if your already versed in their care it gives you a chance to give them everything they need to thrive. (And hatchlings are stinking cute!!!!! 😉)
Sharing info is why i love this forum so much, it was instrumental for me before I even got my first beardie, now it gives me much satisfaction to help others. The beardie community is by far the best group of folks I've ever known.


Juvie Member
Beardie name(s)
Sharing info is why i love this forum so much, it was instrumental for me before I even got my first beardie, now it gives me much satisfaction to help others.
True so very much! (And I was also reading tons here before I decided that I would like to get a bearded dragon. I only signed up later - mostly, as just reading was helping so much that no questions remained, and then I liked helping others and ask the little curious questions that come up from time to time.)

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