My life is about to change!


Sub-Adult Member
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Fun yes 👍 easy not as much, it's 1300 miles and I may have to drive there, fly back, and drive it again. Christina is nervous about towing the camper so I may take it first, fly back then take the U-Haul.
MOVING SUX!!!!! Lmao.
It will be fun letting the dragons out to enjoy the trip though. Ruby absolutely loves car rides, and wants to spend every minute awake watching the scenery go by.
I understand that there will be difficulties and the path will not be easy. But what I meant was that this is the way home, and it is always easy. :D

xp29 Addict
Photo Comp Winner
Beardie name(s)
Zen , Ruby ,Snicker Doodles, Sweet Pea, Sinatra
I understand that there will be difficulties and the path will not be easy. But what I meant was that this is the way home, and it is always easy. :D
Agreed. I am looking forward to it, the drive included, if I'm being honest 😉


Juvie Member
Beardie name(s)
Wish you all a lot of sunshine :) Can relate soo much to that "back to more sunshine"

Had spent myself 3 years in Pasadena (California) and loved the weather so much (I like the outdoors, deserts, succulents, reptiles, not to have just the day off then covered in rain...), moved then to Tennessee missing the "constant summer" soo much (and how often I went up soaked! sweat from the humidity, or straight plain rain). Wanted to go back to a more sunny place, an offer to work in Nevada fell through. Had then the surprise offer to come here to a sunny place in Chile, with now the winter being warmer than some of the summers in my home country.

Looking forward for my Taco to end brumation and take him out :)
I got him a large branch for the balcony. He can sit there, watching me working on my laptop or reading some Sci-Fi :alien:

xp29 Addict
Photo Comp Winner
Beardie name(s)
Zen , Ruby ,Snicker Doodles, Sweet Pea, Sinatra
Wish you all a lot of sunshine :) Can relate soo much to that "back to more sunshine"

Had spent myself 3 years in Pasadena (California) and loved the weather so much (I like the outdoors, deserts, succulents, reptiles, not to have just the day off then covered in rain...), moved then to Tennessee missing the "constant summer" soo much (and how often I went up soaked! sweat from the humidity, or straight plain rain). Wanted to go back to a more sunny place, an offer to work in Nevada fell through. Had then the surprise offer to come here to a sunny place in Chile, with now the winter being warmer than some of the summers in my home country.

Looking forward for my Taco to end brumation and take him out :)
I got him a large branch for the balcony. He can sit there, watching me working on my laptop or reading some Sci-Fi :alien:
It's to bad you didn't get to try out Nevada, sunshine 300 plus days a year 😀


Juvie Member
Beardie name(s)
It's to bad you didn't get to try out Nevada, sunshine 300 plus days a year 😀
Where I am currently it's the same :)
(I'm in the Atacama desert, where the big telescopes are, I live close to Paranal. The sky is super clear, day and night. Rain? Each few years a bit. Workmate said it took him 6 years here to experience rain for the first time, it was a drizzle. Having non-rainproof things outdoors is normal - paper models for example :D. High UV, too. High UV makes all leafy plants on the balcony die (nothing with "grow your dragon some dandelions"), but lets the succulents/ cacti grow like crazy.)
But yes, when Nevada fell through, I thought: Please not some rainy college town... Or something like Anchorage or Winnipeg (no, for those two I even didn't apply, couldn't bear the cold; I'm an outdoor person and "outdoor" doesn't mean "winter sports").
Last edited:


Sub-Adult Member
Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
Rocky, Ruby
Wow!!! We got ours the very next day. It was fantastic for traveling with multiple beardies.
I'm going to call customer service. Everything else arrived but I'm glad that you received your bag. I'll upload a picture when j get it because I'm sure I'm going to be excited.

xp29 Addict
Photo Comp Winner
Beardie name(s)
Zen , Ruby ,Snicker Doodles, Sweet Pea, Sinatra
I'm going to call customer service. Everything else arrived but I'm glad that you received your bag. I'll upload a picture when j get it because I'm sure I'm going to be excited.
I think you'll love it. The backpack straps are perfect for using thecsest belt to secure it to. I appreciate you posting that link, it made our move back home with them so much easier.

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