possible vision loss?


Beardie name(s)
as a bit of background.
about a year ago I got fiesty and she had a horrible eye infections/malnutrition. she has since recovered from this.

I am concerned that I don't see her pupals dilate under the light. she hardly goes after food and when left to free roam runs into walls. is the bright white part of here eye scar tissue?

this is her good eye (the less infected one)

this is her bad eye(the worse infected one. eyelid was a literal puss pocket)


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BD.org Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 4
as a bit of background.
about a year ago I got fiesty and she had a horrible eye infections/malnutrition. she has since recovered from this.

I am concerned that I don't see her pupals dilate under the light. she hardly goes after food and when left to free roam runs into walls. is the bright white part of here eye scar tissue?

this is her good eye (the less infected one)
View attachment 90512

this is her bad eye(the worse infected one. eyelid was a literal puss pocket) View attachment 90514
Tracie needs to address @Drache613
Please go over your lighting basking bulb brand uvb no coils please


BD.org Sicko
Staff member

Is this in one eye or both eyes? What type of infection did she have? It is possible that it could be
some scar tissue or cataracts, not sure. Did you ever use antibiotic eye ointment for her eye?



Original Poster
Beardie name(s)

Is this in one eye or both eyes? What type of infection did she have? It is possible that it could be
some scar tissue or cataracts, not sure. Did you ever use antibiotic eye ointment for her eye?

she took oral antibiotics, normal eye drops, and medicated eye drops, then anti inflamitories


BD.org Sicko
Staff member

So sorry. None of those seemed to work at all? Is this just one eye, or both eyes that are involved?
You could try thinning out some raw unpasteurized honey, & warming it up to add a few drops into
distilled water to make eye drops.
How is she doing today?


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