
KarrieRee Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 4
I took out the rice sock. It's at 22% where he's at. I can up his heat with a 100 Watt bulb. I've been using a 75 watt because he does get very hot in there. I was using the 75 watt because he became overheated once and that was when he was lying on his box.
The probe for the hygrometer should be placed on the back center wall of the tank - check it there - you dont want it going below 20% -- are you getting ambient temps? The probe should be placed on the spot where he basks to get surface basking temps - doesnt need to stay there but checked every so often as bulbs do loose their intensity


Sub-Adult Member
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The probe for the hygrometer should be placed on the back center wall of the tank - check it there - you dont want it going below 20% -- are you getting ambient temps? The probe should be placed on the spot where he basks to get surface basking temps - doesnt need to stay there but checked every so often as bulbs do loose their intensity
I'll place it there then. I was measuring by him.
My 100 watt bulb is done for. Never even used it much. Saw the filament there. It's time to go to Petsense for a bulb. In the meantime, I'll use both the CHE and Heat lamp side by side. The 75 isn't heating him up well. I'll recheck the humidity in his tank. I may need to add something in there to raise it.

Actually, I don't need to raise it. It's 45% in the tank.

KarrieRee Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 4
I'll place it there then. I was measuring by him.
My 100 watt bulb is done for. Never even used it much. Saw the filament there. It's time to go to Petsense for a bulb. In the meantime, I'll use both the CHE and Heat lamp side by side. The 75 isn't heating him up well. I'll recheck the humidity in his tank. I may need to add something in there to raise it.

Actually, I don't need to raise it. It's 45% in the tank.
Make sure your basking bulb is a solid clear bright white bulb - humidity is good


Sub-Adult Member
Original Poster
The probe for the hygrometer should be placed on the back center wall of the tank - check it there - you dont want it going below 20% -- are you getting ambient temps? The probe should be placed on the spot where he basks to get surface basking temps - doesnt need to stay there but checked every so often as bulbs do loose their intensit

Make sure your basking bulb is a solid clear bright white bulb - humidity is good
Not to worry. I use the clear white bulbs. I hope that I can find one at Petsense tomorrow. If I can't find any there, the local pet store may have it. I don't even like those neo bulbs from Walmart and they never work well. It's like a general purpose bulb that emits very little heat. Two incandescent fixtures. No halogen fixtures either. I got a very low wattage CHE that I can also use alongside the 75 watt bulb.


Sub-Adult Member
Original Poster
Update: I didn't take him with me today- went out to the stores that don't allow him in. I get kicked out every time I do. But, he's having a good day. Left him under his heat lamp when I left. Found him basking under his UVB on his belly. Towel is working. I'll be buying him some more towels tomorrow

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