Hi there! New dragon owner here!


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While waiting for his new tank to come in, I went out to get him so food and a new basking spot for him because he has a log that he loves but I didn't think it was enough for basking, he does have a hideaway but rarely uses it so I got him a ramp. He liked it at first and then I saw him laying beneath it on the other plateform. I was worried maybe it was too close to the lamp, so I moved it down a bit more and now he's been staying on it but down the ramp a little. I just caught him all puffed up, I assume stretching? It was his neck and sides. He stopped but now he's puffed out again, and after moving back up the ramp he started gaping .lol maybe I'm being paranoid but I'm soo new too this. His basking lamp is 100 watts. I don't have a measuring tape so no idea how far the plateform is to the light...ugh if anyone can help id greatly appreciate it. I'm not sure how to attach pictures.


Original Poster
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Figured out how to attach.


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Sub-Adult Member
Beardie name(s)
Luis and Lilith
Welcome to the forum :)

As you already guessed, they stretch and puff up when they warm up under the lamp so that's good.
He looks really cute, what is his name and how old is he?

Mine also rarely use a hide but you will want one on one or both back corners of the tank just so they know they could use it if they wanted.

As Karrie suggested you want to meassure the temperature and not the distance. It looks quite close for 100W and 100W is also a lot. You should get ether a temp gun or a digital probe thermometer.
The analog thermometer you have is for meassuring ambient temps on the cool side, it by design can not meassure surface temps.

Judging from the warm color of the light it is an incandescent bulb? If so you'll need (!!!) a second bulb for UVB (tube, no coil) or switch to an all-in-one bulb.
!!!!!That is ultra important!!!!!

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