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  1. MikeRC

    real quick questions

    Also they only need calcium one feeding a day 5 days a week and a multi-vitamin one feeding a day for the other 2 days.
  2. MikeRC

    Just heard back from the vet..

    Thank you for all the help. Will I be needing Acidophiliz+ during the the time Im using panacur? Also should I treat the pinworms before i begin the meds for the coccidia? I dont wanna do anything that might harm my beardie.
  3. MikeRC

    Just heard back from the vet..

    Maybe Im not looking in the right place, I cant seam to find panacur anywhere just information on using it for other animals. Any more help on this would be appreciated. The vet did say the coccidia count was low and recommended I focus on treating the pinworms..
  4. MikeRC

    Just heard back from the vet..

    I just heard from my vet and my beardie has coccidia and pin worms. What medication is needed to treat this? Its gonna be a few weeks before Im able to get her to the vet again and was wondering if Id be able to purchase the meds myself. Any info would be greatly appreciated.
  5. MikeRC

    Mounting fixture in glass tank

    Wondering how to mount a 36 inch light fixture in my 75 gallon tank. I was thinking velcro but dont want to do anything that will put my beardie at risk. Any help/ideas would be greatly appreciated.
  6. MikeRC

    What size worms..?

    So since PLW seams to be out of reptiworm I'm going to order phoenix worms only idont know what size to get for my 10 inch BD. Are medium to large?
  7. MikeRC

    Need Advise on Setting up my Dragons Home(uvb and heat)

    I use a 150w CEH and keep it on the cool side of my 75 gallon tank and it adds about 10 degrees or so over on the warm side. Meaning when my temps are around 65 the CEH brings me up to 73-80 degrees. My beardie sleeps on the warm side every night and I don't think having the CEH on the cooler...
  8. MikeRC

    Baby wont let me touch her..

    So today I took her out for a little while. I kept giving her veggies when she gaped at me and after chasing her around for a while I got her. I put her in the bath and afterward she seamed to calm down enough for me to hold her. I tried placing her in the tank but she seamed to enjoy my hands...
  9. MikeRC

    How old is everyone here?

    I'm 20. The skate shop I'd go to had a dragon that we'd always feed and stuff, that was about 6 or 7 years ago. Ever since than I've wanted my own, just never pulled the trigger on one til rescently.
  10. MikeRC

    Baby wont let me touch her..

    So this continues to be an issue. I just spent an hour trying to touch/pet her and like every other time she bites and takes off. She'll hide under her log or run to the back corners where she knows it's hard for me to get her. Not really sure what's left for me to do that I haven't tried. This...
  11. MikeRC

    Reptiworms And Baby Beardies..

    Could I use reptiworms as a staple for a baby beardie? I've been feeding my baby 2 meals a day, the first being reptiworms and the second being crickets. The worms seam much easier and I was thinking of sticking to reptiworms for both meals of the day. Also I know the worms are naturally high in...
  12. MikeRC

    Baby wont let me touch her..

    I tried that tonight and she's more aggressive than she's ever been. She's beginning to bite and instead of her laying in palm like she has been she instead kept constantly jumping from my hand. I ended up just giving up as she just wouldn't allow being picked up, or even letting me get close to...
  13. MikeRC

    Baby wont let me touch her..

    So after chasing her around the viv I just picked her up for the first time. She did the exact opposite of what I expected. I cupped my hand over her and sat on my bed. Instead of taking off like I thought she would she actually seamed pretty comfortable. I began gently rubbing her back and...
  14. MikeRC

    Baby wont let me touch her..

    So should I be forcing her to be picked up? I admit I'm nervous but only because of how fragile she is. When I try picking her up she runs and gapes. Should I ignore this?
  15. MikeRC

    Baby wont let me touch her..

    So today makes one week since I've had my beardie. (She"s yet to have a name..) She hasn't let me pick her up once since I got her, accept to put her in the tank.. She seams to be doing good, very alert and eating well. I have her in a 75 gallon tank split in the middle with cardboard for now...
  16. MikeRC

    New to bearded dragons. NEED HELP.

    Yea I have a reptisun 10.0 in a 36" light fixture. She ate 11 crickets her first feeding of the day. I haven't tried giving her any more yet. As I posting this reply I notice she is laying on her branch but keeps rubbing the size of her head against it.I also notIce shell move her tail around...
  17. MikeRC

    New to bearded dragons. NEED HELP.

    Update: So after eating nothing at all thursday she ate 8 crickets yesterday. I still have not seen her go to the bathroom since my last post which seams odd. She still dosnt trust me enough to pick her up so I'm not sure if I should attempt giving a bath. Is there anything I can feed her to...
  18. MikeRC

    New to bearded dragons. NEED HELP.

    So I got my baby beardie 2 days ago. The day I got her she ate 8 crickets and didn't touch any veggies. I offered veggies to her yesterday and she ate some shredded mustard greens out of feeding tongs, and she ate 23 crickets. Now today I look and she has rings on her stomach and she hasn't...
  19. MikeRC

    Questions On Cleaning..

    I was thinking bleach would be the best/easiest solution but was unsure how it would affect a bearded dragon. The tank has been sitting and has some corrosion from sitting. Would a brillo pad or something work to really scrub it down? If so I suppose I'd use the brillo pad than the bleach...
  20. MikeRC

    Questions On Cleaning..

    I just got a 75 gallon tank which was used for saltwater fish. I was wondering what would be the best way to clean the tank? I also have slate tile which I plan on using as a substrate and was wondering if there's anything I have to do to it before setting it up in the tank? Btw, this is my...
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