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  1. C

    Scale peeled up? What is going on?

    Ah ok! Thanks :) Well I wanted to see what was going on and it came off with ease, it was just dangling by a thread. I wanted to see if there was a sore or anything where I could clean it. If he would twitch or anything I wouldn't have taken it off.
  2. C

    Scale peeled up? What is going on?

    So it's been a while since I posted and Pancake has turned out to be a nice friendly fellow, turns out he had parasites from the breeder and that's why he was so cranky. ): I had to take him to the vet and get him on vitals and on antibiotics and a de-wormer. Now he's fine and very social. But...
  3. C

    Bipolar Beardie? Help!

    I've had Pancake now for 2 1/2 months. We handle him almost every day (sometimes we travel on weekends and have our roommate take care of him, and he reaches in and pats him on the head). He's cool with us reaching in and petting him but then he flinches still. He seems really scared of us...
  4. C

    In Need of Advice- New Dragon

    Ok I have something to add, I had him on my shoulder again today, he was fine earlier, and then after a while he made this noise that sounded like a whining puppy. Is he okay?
  5. C

    In Need of Advice- New Dragon

    He's doing really well, I haven't done the blanket thing recently, I will probably tonight, but I put him on my shoulder today while I worked on some artwork and he chilled for the entire time (about an hour). The only reason I put him back was to go get some lunch. :) He's making good progress...
  6. C

    In Need of Advice- New Dragon

    That's good to hear that I'm not alone on this one and that Pancake is acting quite normal! :) I was told to beware of handling them close to bedtime after the lights are out because they might strike thinking you are a predator. Is there a way to safely do this? Maybe I turn the lights down a...
  7. C

    In Need of Advice- New Dragon

    Thanks! I will. I'm very happy to know I'm doing the right things. I want him to be happy and someday feel comfortable in his new home. :)
  8. C

    In Need of Advice- New Dragon

    Hello! I'm a new and happy owner of a bearded dragon named Pancake. We got him from almost 3 weeks ago, and by reading "The Bearded Dragon Manual" he's 12 inches long, so that makes him a sub-adult. It doesn't seem like he's been socialized much around humans however; he's...
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