Scale peeled up? What is going on?

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So it's been a while since I posted and Pancake has turned out to be a nice friendly fellow, turns out he had parasites from the breeder and that's why he was so cranky. ): I had to take him to the vet and get him on vitals and on antibiotics and a de-wormer. Now he's fine and very social.

But I found something that is slightly concerning me. He had a scale, that was bent up. Not skin, but a scale. I was able to pull it off and it looked like skin with a little bit of red like there was dried blood. I also noticed there was another tiny spot like that on his tail. There's no other areas on his body that are like that, he's eating and going poop normally, he gets calcium daily as well. So I'm not sure if he caught it on something or if it's normal.

I looked up to see what it was and someone said skin rot, but he doesn't have these patches that people are describing for that, and he's acting and looking quite healthy. Please advise. ): I'm worried!


Gray-bearded Member
He probably just got a scale caught on something, or rubbed something funny. A missing scale or two isn't a problem - a lot of dragons lose an occasional scale. Please don't pull them off, though - that would hurt him a bit, maybe like when you have to pull out a hang nail or something.


Original Poster
Ah ok! Thanks :)
Well I wanted to see what was going on and it came off with ease, it was just dangling by a thread. I wanted to see if there was a sore or anything where I could clean it. If he would twitch or anything I wouldn't have taken it off.
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