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  1. S

    Tail rot?

    Ok, thank you so much!
  2. S

    Tail rot?

    Ok, thanks for the reply! I was a bit worried. The tip feels similar to the rest of the tail, maybe slightly harder but I'm not sure. Does tail rot feel squishy or hard?
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    Tail rot?

    Hey guys, took over a rescue a couple of days ago and I've noticed that his tail seems to be darker towards the end in a gradient towards his bum. The tip of the tail seems to be a bit wonky and misshapen. Is this indicative of tail rot?
  4. S

    New dragon - is it healthy?

    ChristinaMike, we're looking online for something but we're a bit unsure about the size. He's 46 cm atm, will a 32x29x12cm one be adequate? It's the biggest we've found. Might try to make our own.
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    New dragon - is it healthy?

    We got poop, people! Looks like it's a bit runny, but that's only natural from relocation stress as far as I know. Anything else you guys can discern from the coloring? We fed him again today, he didn't want more after 10 crickets, I think he got a bit spooked after I dropped one. He's not...
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    New dragon - is it healthy?

    Hey guys! Thanks for the great replies! Here's a follow up (with the questions in bold so you don't have to read the entire post if you want to help :)). After a round of calling around to all local stores we went to the one that had the most supplies.. and it wasnt much. Pretty much the only...
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    New dragon - is it healthy?

    Thanks for the reply Chanza! He's only been here for about 6 hours, we've been trying to leave him alone for the most part. We've seen him eat once from the veggiebowl so he's eating. Will he grow new claws or are they gone forever? Do you think it is causing him any pain? There's not basking...
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    New dragon - is it healthy?

    Hello! Today I took over a bearded dragon from someone that I suspect might not have treated it optimally. This is my first reptile (reptiles just became legal here) so I'm posting here (and on the bearded dragon subreddit) to make sure I provide the best possible conditions and in case there's...
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