
  1. J

    Cricket Alternative

    I’m planning on getting a bearded dragon soon, i’m currently working on getting its new home ready. I’m wondering about food and i’m hoping you can post what you normally feed your bearded dragons and how old they are!
  2. C

    Am I doing this right? Is he growing?

    I have had Daryl for about a Month and i think he is 2 months old i am not sure. He is only small (13.5cm) so (5.5inches) and i don’t think he is growing or i am feeding him enough.I feed him live crickets (10) every morning before school and i give him fresh Greens and either cucumber, carrots...
  3. colbertf

    Asperate question

    My boy is about 7 months old and diagnosed ADV+. Currently treating for URI, with Omnivore/Carnivore Care50/50, 1.0cc (Gentamicin) + 5.0cc (NaCl) via nebulizer twice a day, and Ceftazidime Injectable Antibiotic. It doesn't matter if I'm trying to hydrate him with a slurry drops on nose that he...
  4. O

    Hypothetical Feeder Insect Frequency?

    To preface, this isn't a 'how often should I feed x' kind of question. This is more of a hypothetical. For the sake of this question, assume you have an adult beardie who you feed 10 gut loaded (w/ veg, not protein to avoid excess uric acid) dubia roaches the generally suggested 2-3 times a...
  5. A

    6 Month Beardie Not Eating

    Hi All, New dragon owner here!! Seven my 6 month old has not eaten the last 3 days. For some context he was fed about 12 crickets a day from the pet store where I brought him and some cabbage in the morning. Since I’ve had him he’s now off crickets and on about 7 Dubai roaches and about 4...
  6. F

    Can packaged beardie pellets be fed daily?

    I have a juvenile bearded dragons who is about 4 months old, and I recently discovered that I can’t feed mealworms daily (the person at the pet stores told me to feed mealworms daily before). So I saw the bearded dragon food that came in the set and claims it has all the nutrients needed, I...
  7. G

    Help with a new rescue

    Hello! I'm totally new to bearded dragons but am experienced with amphibian care. I'm a teacher and a student brought a new class pet for my buddy's classroom...it's a very long story but this poor animal has been badly neglected. She was absolutely skin and bones when we got her Friday though...
  8. C

    Bearded Dragon not eating.

    I have a 1+ year old male bearded dragon who has not been eating for the last 2 weeks. I have tried everything from changing his lighting to coaxing him with meal worms, but he simply refuses to eat. The good news is that he still seems active and alert, though he also has a problem with glass...
  9. J

    Insects that don’t jump?

    Please excuse the newbie! So I’ve realised I can’t stand bugs that fly and jump (crickets, locusts, flies etc.). I also realise that most worms can’t form part of a regular staple diet. I have a 3 month old baby beardie who’s a bit of a salad dodger but does manage some (as expected for his...
  10. smaugthebeardie3756

    Dragon Delite

    So I found this dry food at a reptile supply store in my area. You actually soak it and it gets a spongy kind of texture that is supposed to imitate live food texture. I've been feeding it to my guy about twice a week with salads and bugs all the other days. I don't see anything glaringly...
  11. Roberts926

    Introduction and Feedback

    Good evening, my name is Robert. I have recently purchased my second bearded dragon. My first one passed away right before Christmas 2021. His name was Zeus and he lived to be 12 years old. Samson is my new beardie and he is approximately 8 months old. I never had any issues with Zeus, however I...
  12. C

    Concerned About New Beardies Eating/Behaviour

    I got a new beardie just a few days ago (Saturday, not sure exactly how old she is but young) she was totally fine eating, loved her greens day 1, not so much day 2, loved her crickets both days. Then today suddenly NOTHING. I have managed to get about 5 cricket in her over the course of the...
  13. Jupitertheking

    Feeding 12 week bearded dragon

    Hi I have a 12 week old bearded dragon and I do have crickets and roaches for it but I’m trying to get some other feeders that are good and healthy! I want to get it hornworms but I can’t find anywhere that has them and I did order it from rainbow mealworms but they refunded me and said that...
  14. T

    Where can I buy Dubia roaches in US?

    Hi, I usually get my bearded dragons dubia roaches from dubiaroches.com, but I just got notified that his size roach is out of stock and I don't know where else to get 1,000 roaches in bulk. I looked at thedubiadude.com, but he has a limited stock and only sales 50 at a time. Where else is...
  15. thedanielcrowley

    How many crickets a day do I feed a 2 month old bearded dragon?

    Hi. I'm buying my first bearded dragon next Wednesday and he is 2 months old. I am just wondering how many crickets should I feed him a day when I get him? And how many feeds per day?
  16. F

    Repashy Calcium Plus and Supplement Questions

    So we've had our baby beardie for about a month now. He is around 2-3 months old and we've been trying to figure out a good supplement schedule for him. We are currently using Repshay Calcium plus 3 times a week and Rep-cal Calcium without D3 the other remaining days of the week. I was under the...
  17. X

    Am i feeding him adequately?

    I am a first time bearded dragon owner and I love him so much. Not entirely sure how old he is as I got him from Petco and they did not tell me. But he is tiny. (Picture attached [I hope] so you can see how young he is). I got him in August so he's been with us a couple months and seems to be...
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