(Almost) perfect circle


Juvie Member
Beardie name(s)
No, this time not pancaking but doing the circle in a different way (or is it a fish hook?).

I also got him three new things he might have not recognized yet (they're out on the balcony, don't know whether he saw them):
Two golliwog plants each the size of my head! Surprise find in the hardware store (with a small garden center) today. Usually I let the golliwog plants I have for him regrow once he has eaten about half of a plant, but one died and I want to have at minimum two with him generally loving greens and now eating even more greens. (I have now four.)
And an aloe that looks exactly like the one he has in the enclosure, but "fresher" (more leaves and more plump). I had planned switching out his aloe with one on the balcony but it's a bit a different one - however, the aquarium store where we bought something for our small plati aquarium had one for free (they grow here like crazy and it's easy to get one that would be thrown out otherwise) and this will be his new aloe. Just has to grow a few more roots, that's why it isn't in there yet.
(Why the aloe in the enclosure doesn't look so plump: His burrow is right under it... So I can't water it as much as I can water the plants outdoors.)

Generally, I'm not changing things in his enclosure as he hates that, but with switching out plants he's always fine (he knows that I do that and they're not "magically regrowing quickly").


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