Beardie wheezing randomly/open & closing mouth and thrashing head around violently


Original Poster
Hello, its been a while since I've visited here; but I've run into a health issue with my beardie Bellamy and I'd like some help trying to identify the problem, if someone here has had a similar illness incident.

For a bit of background: NORMALLY Bellamy is a healthy weight, pretty active (still is, believe it or not despite whats going on), as well as has had very minimal health issues for almost 3-4 years since I remember getting him and has the following:

- 75 watt basking bulb above heat spot (a zoo med brand)
- 50 watt ceramic heat emitter above the lower basking spot
(both basking and emitter are resting on the wire mesh)
- Reptisun 10.0 UVB along the back of the tank held by a strip
- elevated basking locations (I have a large cinderblock in the left back corner that he sometimes pancakes on or partially rests upright along the edge, and a halfed-log hide south of the cinderblock that he rests in and uses as a lower basking area)
- 120 gallon wide exo terra tank
- ceramic tile substrate
- cool side of the tank is around 80-85 degrees, hot is around 100-110 (however been considering getting a mercury bulb 100 watt for the basking bulb and taking the emitter out except for winter)
- regular baths (2-3 a week, which he often drinks while getting these)
- poops seem healthy with solid white urate and brown stool, no blood

- Calcium w/ D3 dusted Superworms with breeder recommended multivitamin powder
- Repashy Veggie Burger mix once in a while
- ocassional mustard greens/other beardie-safe produce

-- I want to note that Bellamy is a *very* picky eater when it comes to veggies/fruits of any kind, and when I fed him repashy's, thats the only way I could get him to eat the stuff, but he's been snubbing that too as of late. The food always offered in a variety of ways; short of force feeding him (I dont really feel 100% comfortable doing that either) a liquid mixture of this stuff, him eating non-live prey is seldom.

I do realize that it might not be the greatest for him, but believe me that I am doing my best to tease an apetite out of him for these things. I have tried different combinations of varities too.

Current Situation
- I've noticed about two weeks back from now that hes been doing a 'light wheezing' with his mouth agape--initially I figured it was just a thing he was doing while yawning/stretching his beard in the mornings. Over time, I noticed it started to get a little worse. I kept a close eye on it, since beyond that, he seemed fairly healthy-- active, head up high, basking, beyond the ocassional wheeze, havent seen anything abnormal.

- However I did start to notice his appetite decrease a bit over all. It wasn't too substantial at the start, but it was like 5-7 worms (he is an adult beardie) down to 3, and now we're lucky if he takes one after he goes poo. He is offered food once every other day, as he generally wouldnt eat (even when healthy) the next day if he had food the day before.

- I began to notice that in his hind quarters, he started looking thin, so I started to try offering food every day regardless, to no avail. Its slowly gotten worse. We had a vet check up made for this Saturday, HOWEVER, things took a worse turn when I woke up to him yesterday:

- He began to wheeze a with heavier breaths than usual, and kind of gasping/open-closing his mouth and violently thrashing his head around in unison with his tongue out bit, his beard very black and very pale overall, like bone-white.

Emergency Vet Visit

- Deciding that this was FAR from normal now, and honestly scared me half to death, we booked an emergency visit to the ER yesterday night to the only exotic one in our area.

- We had him in a beardie sling to try keeping him as comfortable as we could, and it was like as soon as he got into the car, all the behavior stopped, like he never even had these issues. His scales were fairly normal shade, ocassional black bearding (but he may have just been stressed from the ride)--otherwise he slept all the way there with no issues.

- We're waiting for the vet to see us, and its like nothing was going on at all. He just sat there with his head poking out and being inquisitive to stuff.

The Vet Check
- So they look him over, they tell us it could e signs of stomatitis? But if it is, there doesn't appear to be any redness or anything along the gums, however perhaps we caught it early enough?

- Going by that, they gave him antibiotic, fluids and some pain med injections. They gave us some pain med for us to give orally at home once every 24 hours.

- After administering this, they left im under a ceramic heat emitter for a short time to metabolize the stuff.


- I woke up today with him, and it seems so far that hes not as bad as yesterday when I woke up to the thrashing/etc, but he is still ocassionally wheezing to a much lesser degree while leaning along his basking cinderblock with his head up as normal. Havent tried feeding yet.

But, has anyone had this situation with their beardies? Does it sound like stomatitis? Could it be something else? Im mostly trying to see if it can be identified as ANYTHING else so I might have some suggestions to check for in a follow up vet check up. I will try uploading a video asap.

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

Wow, he is looking better & sounds like he is feeling better slowly. I completely agree, the head
thrashing isn't a symptom of mouth rot at all. It does sound like he was developing a respiratory
infection & possibly had some type of obstruction or was very congested & couldn't breathe well.
Which antibiotic did they prescribe for him?
Be sure to keep him a little warmer overnight, to help boost his system. Usually around 75-80F is
perfectly fine.

We are pulling for him & I Hope he recovers completely.



Original Poster
Hey guys, another update; I've attempted o get a specialist appointment made for the 12th; I am uncertain of that date since I had to leave a message (they were out by 3pm on Friday) so I have to wait to see what they have when they get back to me Monday.

However, Bellamy seems to be doing a HELL of a lot better now than the day I shot the thrashing/wheezing video. No wheezing, interest in live food (however I am continuing to give him a little liquid food to continue bulking him up with that) and basking.

Though I re-checked the basking spot temperature today with the 75w/ceramic emitter; it was coming to about 35c/95 degrees depending on the location it was either a little higher or a little lower.

My question here is this--I have considered getting a mercury vapor bulb (100w) for his basking bulb, but most seem to have UVB with those. The long white tube light (Reptisun 10.0) is also a UVB; does it hurt to have a UVB basking bulb WITH that, or should I try just getting him a regular 100 basking from zoomed/etc? Any other suggestions?

KarrieRee Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 4
Hey guys, another update; I've attempted o get a specialist appointment made for the 12th; I am uncertain of that date since I had to leave a message (they were out by 3pm on Friday) so I have to wait to see what they have when they get back to me Monday.

However, Bellamy seems to be doing a HELL of a lot better now than the day I shot the thrashing/wheezing video. No wheezing, interest in live food (however I am continuing to give him a little liquid food to continue bulking him up with that) and basking.

Though I re-checked the basking spot temperature today with the 75w/ceramic emitter; it was coming to about 35c/95 degrees depending on the location it was either a little higher or a little lower.

My question here is this--I have considered getting a mercury vapor bulb (100w) for his basking bulb, but most seem to have UVB with those. The long white tube light (Reptisun 10.0) is also a UVB; does it hurt to have a UVB basking bulb WITH that, or should I try just getting him a regular 100 basking from zoomed/etc? Any other suggestions?
Are you using any type of basking bulb? CHE's are good for night time temps or help in getting temps in the tank up to what they need to be -- they are not good basking bulbs they produce NO UVA of which the dragon needs -- MVB's are good for heating not so much UVB - if using a MVB a long tube fixture UVB is recommended - to me they are over kill for heat and expensive and not all MVB's are good there are two on this board recommended -- all you need for your tank is a good solid clear bright white basking bulb like Flukers basking Exo Terra Intense or Arcadia Halogen --- and one good long tube UVB - there are 3 recommended on this board - if you need more help please ask


Original Poster
Are you using any type of basking bulb? CHE's are good for night time temps or help in getting temps in the tank up to what they need to be -- they are not good basking bulbs they produce NO UVA of which the dragon needs -- MVB's are good for heating not so much UVB - if using a MVB a long tube fixture UVB is recommended - to me they are over kill for heat and expensive and not all MVB's are good there are two on this board recommended -- all you need for your tank is a good solid clear bright white basking bulb like Flukers basking Exo Terra Intense or Arcadia Halogen --- and one good long tube UVB - there are 3 recommended on this board - if you need more help please ask
Thank you for the reply Karrie,

Yes, I currently have a 75w Basking Bulb (Zoo Med Brand) but it appears it might not be strong enough heat wise since it seems to fluctuate between 85-95 degrees; I will try out the arcadia halogen though I think. I *think* I had a 90w PAR38 Halogen Flood Light before, it felt like it got hot enough/spread pretty evenly for the tank, but I had trouble finding them at decent prices.

And thank you for the info on Mercury's--I mostly wasn't one hundred percent sure if it would be harmful to have both an MVB with UVB *and* the UVB tube light at the same time. Like, would the UVB from both lights be too much UVB for him?

KarrieRee Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 4
Thank you for the reply Karrie,

Yes, I currently have a 75w Basking Bulb (Zoo Med Brand) but it appears it might not be strong enough heat wise since it seems to fluctuate between 85-95 degrees; I will try out the arcadia halogen though I think. I *think* I had a 90w PAR38 Halogen Flood Light before, it felt like it got hot enough/spread pretty evenly for the tank, but I had trouble finding them at decent prices.

And thank you for the info on Mercury's--I mostly wasn't one hundred percent sure if it would be harmful to have both an MVB with UVB *and* the UVB tube light at the same time. Like, would the UVB from both lights be too much UVB for him?
No- mvb's need certain distance and placement to get uvb and sometimes it's not enough- plus the uvb rays expire before your heat will - 6 months they need to be replaced if your relying on them for uvb- heat is good uvb- not so much

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