Bliggy and Timmy(comic strip)New One 8/31

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Hello everyone!

As some of you already know, I have a 4 month old beardie that goes by the name, Bligg.

He is a very funny little boy and can be quite entertaining at times.
When Bligg first came to live with me a few months ago I was a bit worried about him being lonely. He had come from a large family and was not used to having a viv all to himself. While I knew that Bligg would eventually adjust to his new home I wanted to make the transition easier on him.
Shortly after arriving, I introduced Bligg to Timmy the Turtle

In no time at all the two of them became fast friends. Although they get along wonderfully, as in any relationship they have what I will call their moments, for lack of a better term.
I have posted a few of these so called moments in Bligg's thread. It was suggested that I turn them into a weekly comic strip. I am going to try it out and see how it does.
I thought if I could make just one person laugh in the midst of the chaos that goes on in this world every day it would be well worth it :wink:

So without further ado let me introduce to you...

"A Day in the Life of Bliggy and Timmy"

(This is one that was posted last week in Bligg's thread)

The Worms(11/11/09)

Okay... she is about to bring me my worms. Don't forget what I told you!


Timmy, stop looking at MY worms! Remember... only eat the food that closely resembles YOUR color.
That would be GREEN for you. Got it?!


Timmy.. does that worm look green to you?


MOM! Timmy won't stop eyeballing my food!
[Mom]... Bliggy dear, please be nice to Timmy.. he is your friend!


Blah! Blah! Blah! I'll fix you, FRIEND!


Go ahead... try and get some now!
[Mom]... Bliggy, how are you and Timmy getting along in there?
Oh Just peachy Mom! Though I think Timmy is probably full now :roll: :mrgreen:


Shed or Shred (11/16/09)

Timmy... "Hey Bliggy... why do you look like you're shredding?"
Bliggy... "Timmy.. for your information the correct term is called shedding!"


Timmy... "It certainly looks like shredding to me!"
Bliggy... "What would you know... you're just a turtle!"
Timmy... "Well I know that when the humans want to get rid of something valuable they shred it."
Bliggy... :shock:


Bliggy... "MOOOOOM! Timmy's making fun of me shedding. He say's I'm shredding!"
Mom... Bliggy dear... Timmy doesn't know any better. Maybe if you tried explaing the meaning of the two words..."


Mom... "Bliggy... were you able to make Timmy better understand the difference between shedding and shredding?"
Bliggy... Yeah Mom... I think it's starting to sink in!"


gulfbrzdawn Addict
Original Poster
OMG! :shock: My thread is being attacked by turtles, LOL

Sara.. where did you get that picture of those baby turtles? That is too cute!

beardie osk

Extreme Poster
spurlee01":2173a said:
Dawn, I actually took it at a reptile show! They were adorable!
Here's another!

Those turtles look like the ones I used to get at the 5 and dime store when I was little, they never grew, (oops, showing my age) what kind were these?


Hatchling Member
beardie osk":cdfa3 said:
spurlee01":cdfa3 said:
Dawn, I actually took it at a reptile show! They were adorable!
Here's another!

Those turtles look like the ones I used to get at the 5 and dime store when I was little, they never grew, (oops, showing my age) what kind were these?

Those are red Eared Sliders, I believe. The other turtles look like the painted.

Goonie Sicko
Retired Moderator
EEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!! Wittle baby twuttles!!!!!!

gulfbrzdawn":aa8c5 said:
OMG! :shock: My thread is being attacked by turtles, LOL
We're just protecting Timmy from the emotional abuse :wink:


Sub-Adult Member
Nuiscance is riding by on crush to highjack your thread again.

:protest: :whip: :protest: :whip: :protest: :whip: :protest: :whip: :protest: :whip:


Sub-Adult Member

As i was saying:
Nuiscance riding by on crush to highjack your thread again lol


Sub-Adult Member
beardie osk":09792 said:
spurlee01":09792 said:
Dawn, I actually took it at a reptile show! They were adorable!
Here's another!

Those turtles look like the ones I used to get at the 5 and dime store when I was little, they never grew, (oops, showing my age) what kind were these?

I remember those turtles...I had one myself as a little girl...with one of those clear plastic turtle dishes that had the hill in the middle with the plastic palm you remember those?


they still have those!!! Unfortunately :( We've had so many of them come into our store to be given up because people with little bitty kids don't want them any more! It's sad, tho at least they gave them to us to take care of instead of letting them go or disposing of them. But because they are too small to "sell" in our state (min is 4inches) we have to either "adopt" them out for free or take them home ourselves.

Any who... can't wait for that valentine's day comic!!!
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