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Okay, so as you know, Dreki is the infertile egg laying champ and we are so over it. We don't wanna spay her because we do want to breed her with our boys. Optimally, I'd like to have her create a clutch from both Toothless and Nubby and maybe even Luci, when he's old enough, if possible.

First, I know they say females need to be at least 24 months but what sort of complications would there be if she isn't.? Dreki turned one in like February but she lays *perfect* eggs every month with zero issues, if that matters. Would letting her mate (hopefully successfully) cut back on the constant infertile eggs afterward.? Second, if she were to have a fertile clutch with Toothless, how long would we need to wait before trying to let her mate with Nubby.? I know they can store sperm, so I wasn't sure if a female can have multiple partners in x time frame and how long it needs to be in between each mating. Third, the concept of letting my girls mate STRESSES ME TO HELL. The pet store we used to get our advice from (a smaller store where the girl had supposed 20+ years in reptile experience) drilled into us that mating can be really dangerous and turn into a bloody fight really fast. Is that true.? I mean, what are the odds of them trying to fight.? Toothless is pretty aggressive when it comes to trying to get to the girls. Dreki will head bob, pull her arm back and do that little wave/slap/flick against her back but also look like she might try to strike at Toothless, if the glass wasn't between them.

Dreki is already gaining a bunch of weight again, which is the first indicator to her becoming gravid again. Were gonna try the Raspberry Leaf Extract but I just wanted to get some opinions and advice on her possibly mating.

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Zen , Ruby ,Snicker Doodles, Sweet Pea, Sinatra
They can hold the sperm for a year or so. Their breeding can be rough but my guys never hurt each other in my failed attempts.
If you breed with Toothless you need to wait until that runs it's course before you use another male or you won't know who the father is or the gentics they carry.


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They can hold the sperm for a year or so. Their breeding can be rough but my guys never hurt each other in my failed attempts.
If you breed with Toothless you need to wait until that runs it's course before you use another male or you won't know who the father is or the gentics they carry.
So, like.. she'd be a hoe and have a bunch of baby daddies and not know which baby daddy is the baby daddy.🤣😂 so we should do one pairing a year.

Now, what do you think about Nova. She's 2, hasn't laid a single clutch of infertile, if that matters. She weighs about 990g, does she weigh too much to comfortably carry eggs, should we try to get her to lose some weight first.? She do be a fat gurl

xp29 Addict
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Beardie name(s)
Zen , Ruby ,Snicker Doodles, Sweet Pea, Sinatra
So, like.. she'd be a hoe and have a bunch of baby daddies and not know which baby daddy is the baby daddy.🤣😂 so we should do one pairing a year.

Now, what do you think about Nova. She's 2, hasn't laid a single clutch of infertile, if that matters. She weighs about 990g, does she weigh too much to comfortably carry eggs, should we try to get her to lose some weight first.? She do be a fat gurl
Poor girl, she says she ain't fat she's voluptuous. 😁 she should probably loose some weight just for general health if nothing else.

AHBD Sicko
First of all please don't use the term baby daddy. It's baby dragon daddy [ sorry, couldn't help myself :LOL: ]
So it's not necessary for them to be 24 months old, it's the health + size that matters for the most part. If she's producing eggs and is over a year she can be bred.
Nova should be on a little weight loss, can you post pics to show her size ? I've never had a male hurt a female but if they are too rough and female is not receptive, separate them.


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First of all please don't use the term baby daddy. It's baby dragon daddy [ sorry, couldn't help myself :LOL: ]
So it's not necessary for them to be 24 months old, it's the health + size that matters for the most part. If she's producing eggs and is over a year she can be bred.
Nova should be on a little weight loss, can you post pics to show her size ? I've never had a male hurt a female but if they are too rough and female is not receptive, separate them.
Oh my apologies. Baby dragon daddy. 😂 Well, nova is 24 months and hasn't produced a single infertile egg ever, while Dreki is barely a year and has laid a clutch every month since like December. I don't get it. 😩 Nova is still overweight but the vet said if she were like two inches longer, her weight would be fine, she's like 17 ish inches, maybe 18 on a good day. And she's the master of laying in the most unflattering positions and looking like a dead body floating in the river. 🤷‍♀️😂😂

Poor girl, she says she ain't fat she's voluptuous. 😁 she should probably loose some weight just for general health if nothing else.

Nova is a fat girl in allllll the right places. 😂😂


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AHBD Sicko
As with all beardies she is beautiful ! It can't be denied though that she is quite a bit too fluffy. At 17 " she should weigh half her weight about 400. It's really pretty urgent and your vet is way off on his advice, he may have just been trying to keep you happy with saying what he said.


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As with all beardies she is beautiful ! It can't be denied though that she is quite a bit too fluffy. At 17 " she should weigh half her weight about 400. It's really pretty urgent and your vet is way off on his advice, he may have just been trying to keep you happy with saying what he said.
I could be wrong on her length, she might be closer to 19 inches but she'd still be too chunky then. We only feed her every other day to every two days but even when she does eat, she'll only eat maybe two worms. She's turning down food again and it stresses me out. She wants to... indirectly bask, if that makes sense. Instead of laying directly under her light, she wants to lay in the floor, like in those photos and just barely be warm. I don't know if it's because she's being lazy and picky or something is wrong. 😩😮‍💨

AHBD Sicko
Well they will do what they need when it comes to basking so she might just feel more comfortable laying in those spots. Think of how we sometimes feel more comfy in a fave chair or even on the bed with our feet up to watch T.V.
These goons think that floors and glass corners are comfy. :LOL:

So yes she needs to lose weight and it will take a pretty long time , their metabolism is slow but she's still young so now is the time to start. Give her just a few insects no more than twice a week, no fruit [ high sugar is bad for them in every way, including dental ] and greens at least 3 X a week, on the no bug days. Take her out in the sun and let her run in the grass if you have a yard, she's too heavy to get away from you. Get a kiddie pool and put it in the sun with about an inch or so of water to hopefully get her moving. Those are ways to get her some exercise.

And back to the breeding , it is not dangerous at all unless you leave them together unsupervised, then the risk of injury comes in. Just put Dreki on the floor with whichever male and see how it goes.Or put her in his tank. The males usually bite the back " ridge " of the neck so you just have to watch that he doesn't drag her around TOO much. Other than that it should be fine. None of my girls ever got hurt, just a wee bite/scrape on the neck that was fine with a bit of honey on it.


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Well they will do what they need when it comes to basking so she might just feel more comfortable laying in those spots. Think of how we sometimes feel more comfy in a fave chair or even on the bed with our feet up to watch T.V.
These goons think that floors and glass corners are comfy. :LOL:

So yes she needs to lose weight and it will take a pretty long time , their metabolism is slow but she's still young so now is the time to start. Give her just a few insects no more than twice a week, no fruit [ high sugar is bad for them in every way, including dental ] and greens at least 3 X a week, on the no bug days. Take her out in the sun and let her run in the grass if you have a yard, she's too heavy to get away from you. Get a kiddie pool and put it in the sun with about an inch or so of water to hopefully get her moving. Those are ways to get her some exercise.

And back to the breeding , it is not dangerous at all unless you leave them together unsupervised, then the risk of injury comes in. Just put Dreki on the floor with whichever male and see how it goes.Or put her in his tank. The males usually bite the back " ridge " of the neck so you just have to watch that he doesn't drag her around TOO much. Other than that it should be fine. None of my girls ever got hurt, just a wee bite/scrape on the neck that was fine with a bit of honey on it.
Maaaan the thought of leaving Dreki with one of the boys scares me. They're both so fast and so aggressive about getting to her.

As for the food, we offer like every two ish days but she's been hardly eating. The last two days, she's refused but ate two worms today. And they all get salads everyday with a calcium/vitamin mix like once or twice a week. She is actually faster than you think, she doesn't use it often, hardly ever. But she bolted after Dreki once -- she'd get away if she really wanted 😅😂 but I have a harness big enough for her girth. She's still iffy about outside, but doesn't *mind it* per se. I'll try the kiddie pool but she's not a fan of baths, she's so darn particular. 😂😂

AHBD Sicko
Right, no leaving them alone together is what I was trying to get across. Other than that the supervised mating would be fine but yeah, she's really big and it would remain to be seen how things would work out.


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Right, no leaving them alone together is what I was trying to get across. Other than that the supervised mating would be fine but yeah, she's really big and it would remain to be seen how things would work out.
We're definitely working on it. We got her at like four months and she was a tad chunky then and she just ate and ate, she'd eat all her salad and even after I fed her, when she was out, she'd go straight for bug containers and even trying to take our food. The breeder said she'd give her a bowl of superworms and just let her eat what she'd eat during the day. She's large and in charge but we're working on it. She knows it makes her the top dog in the house, though. All she has to do is sit on them. 😂😂

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