Crested Gecko or Tokay?

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Hatchling Member
Hi people, I'm interested in adding another reptile to the family, I've had a lot of funtimes with my Leopard Gecko but now want to own a different Gecko species.

I'm interested in Crested Geckos and Tokay Geckos at the moment.
I'm more attracted to Tokay Geckos but I've heard they are an aggressive species and dislike being handled. Is this true?

What are some pros and cons of both species?


Sub-Adult Member
Tokays are mean! Like really mean, over the 100 I have meet, I have not meet a nice one

Ive never meet a mean Crested though. They are so sweet, mine use to ride around on my shirt with me while I cleaned.


Sub-Adult Member
TOKAY Geckos are EVIL!!! Although, the noises they make are adorable. lol If you are looking for a gecko you never have to touch then get a tokay. If you are looking for a sweet gecko you can hold get a crestie, I've never seen a mean crestie!


Hatchling Member
Wait, i have a tokay and he is a doll. he is the second tokay i have owned, and neither of them have every been nasty. you can hand tame them, but its work. start with a baby and use leather gloves. with tokays, you can do neat cages.

with cresties, you CANT PUT A LIGHT ON THEIR CAGE!! so you cant admire them. here is my tokays cage! it used to be an old TV armoire that we converted.






Hatchling Member
correct, their tank needs to be 100% dark. some breeders say to use a UTH set on low, others say room temps are just fine for them. i love the cresties, but i wont get one for these reasons. i like to showcase my reptiles because i like the natural look. i couldnt do this with the cresties. so i just admire them when i go to the reptile shows and leave it at that. lol

tokays can be tamed down. just start with a baby and use leather gloves. if they bite and wont let go, you can put a drop of vinegar on your finger near their mouth, or run cold water over your hand/their head till they let go.


Sub-Adult Member
I've had crested geckos, their tanks were never 100% dark. They won't breed if it is 100% dark. They were in the living room and the light from the windows never hurt them. A friend of mine breeds them and they are on a timer with plant lights above them because they are in planted terrariums.

Here is an example from Pangea:

Temperature, heating, and lighting.
Temperatures for crested geckos should be maintained between 72 and 80 degrees for most of the year. At temperatures of 85 degrees or warmer, crested geckos will become stressed, which could lead to illness or death. Cresteds can tolerate night time temperature drops down into the mid 60's but it is not necessary to provide this type of night time drop.
A two month cooling period is recommended to allow breeding crested geckos to rest. During this period temperatures should be kept at 65 to 70 degrees.
A photo period of 12 to 14 hours of light is appropriate for most of the year, with ten hours of light being appropriate during the cooling period. Lighting is most easily achieved with the use of fluorescent lights placed directly on the cage top. This will facilitate both the requirements of the geckos and any live plants within the enclosure should you choose to have them. It is unnecessary to use UVB lighting for crested geckos. For large collections consider lighting the entire room with natural or artificial light. Crested Geckos may cease breeding and laying eggs if they are given less than 12 hours of light.
In most situations room temperature is adequate for crested geckos, as long as the temperature stays within 70 to 80 degrees. If you are attempting to breed your Crested Geckos, temps should be kept between 75 and 78 degrees. Use a good digital thermometer with a temperature probe to monitor the environment. If temps cannot be kept in this range, a nocturnal blue or red heat light can be suspended above the cage for 24 hour heat. This type of light also allows for nocturnal viewing. Crested Geckos are not disturbed by this wavelength of light so it will not interrupt their photoperiod.


Hatchling Member
if you have them in your living room, then that light is ok. but actually putting a light on them isnt needed.

im also not a fan of red lights because ive heard it can irratate the rep. try the black nighttime lights.


Sub-Adult Member
Warrior":b9h7rvt7 said:
So I CAN use a red light? I'm confused now

Yes, you could but make sure it is very low wattage so your crestie wouldn't get too hot. I honestly didn't have any lights on my cresties at all and they did just fine. But my house was kept at 74 degrees.


Hatchling Member
There are plenty of people who light their crested's enclosure. I myself am going to get a light soon when I start growing live plants in the enclosure. While they cannot have HEAT lamps, regular lights are fine as long as they do not produce abnormal amounts of heat. Both my crested geckos are very sweet and enjoy being handled and my adult LOVES being spoon fed while I hold him.

No real 'taming' is required for a crested just be aware that they are a bit jumpy as babies but with some practice by adulthood they are very friendly and will want to come out and be with you.

Care is much easier than bearded dragons. Simply put in the enclosure, keep the humidity up and feed the store bought diet (best to get from pangea repitles website) and that is it.

I would HIGHLY suggest them.


Juvie Member
they sell 15 watt moon bulbs that give off a dull bluish purple light. If the room gets a tad cool they can go near it, if not, it doesn't throw heat far. If the top is a screen it wont build up though I have a large cage, I think 24 high and 18x18 square. You can also use a red LED flashlight to view them, or throw a wad of red led xmas lights on top of the cage, though they might produce a little too much red light.
I use the 2120 model.


Juvie Member
No, never keep crested geckos in the dark! They need a light cycle, and do fine in normal household lighting. Keeping them in the dark will mess up their inner clock.

I have crested geckos. They are sweet and lovable pets, which is why they're so much more popular than tokays. If you have any questions about crestie care, feel free to e-mail me.

P.S.--Hi, RobertsKitty! Remember me (Gotagecko) from the Pangea boards? :)
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