Rescued a beardie and I need help

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

How are things going? How much food are you giving, daily of the baby foods? I would start with
1-2MLS of the baby food daily, mixed with the calcium. You shouldn't need to give D3 more than 1 or
2 times weekly. Do you have any plain calcium powder to give more regularly?



Original Poster
Beardie name(s)

How are things going? How much food are you giving, daily of the baby foods? I would start with
1-2MLS of the baby food daily, mixed with the calcium. You shouldn't need to give D3 more than 1 or
2 times weekly. Do you have any plain calcium powder to give more regularly?


I don’t have the plain calcium but I can get some! Right now I’m shooting for 1 ml in morning and 1 ml around 8pm with about 2 1/2 hours of basking before lights out. Last night I only gave her about 1/2 ml because she looked like she was trying to poop and didn’t want to overwhelm her. Thank you for the guidance! I’m just doing pumpkin for now because she’s got more backed up poo to get out. I’ll try other types including chicken and turkey once she gets most of this out. 🙏🏻

Am I able to do any natural antimicrobials like monolaurin or grapefruit seed extract? Echinacea for immunity? Not sure what’s best for beardies. I have a son with autism who has a lot of gut and immunity issues and have become a big believer in the power of God-given antimicrobials. :)

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

Great, a plain calcium without any D3 would be good to have on hand. Sometimes D3 can build up in
their system too much.
How is the babyfood working out for her, does she seem to like it? Yes, you can definitely use the mono
laurin extract or grapefruit or grapeseed extract for immune boosting. I believe I have seen some use
the echinacea extract, too.
I hope she is able to get her system cleared out. You can also add a few drops of organic olive oil or
coconut oil in with the mix to help with impaction.



Original Poster
Beardie name(s)

Great, a plain calcium without any D3 would be good to have on hand. Sometimes D3 can build up in
their system too much.
How is the babyfood working out for her, does she seem to like it? Yes, you can definitely use the mono
laurin extract or grapefruit or grapeseed extract for immune boosting. I believe I have seen some use
the echinacea extract, too.
I hope she is able to get her system cleared out. You can also add a few drops of organic olive oil or
coconut oil in with the mix to help with impaction.

Thank you! This is a long-winded response so I’ll highlight questions. :)

She is eating the baby food. I think she likes it. She’s still so sleepy so it’s hard to tell. Much more alert than a week ago but still sleepy. I tried a little butternut squash today and got the plain calcium that I’ll start sprinkling on daily.

Any dosage recommendations on the grapefruit and grape seed extracts? With grapefruit seed, I usually put a few drops in an ounce of water. Even one undiluted drop is so strong. I could put ten drops in an ounce of water but only give her a few drops of the diluted mixture if that works. But please advise if you have a better solution!

For the grape seed extract, would this be a good formula to try? Maybe just a drop of it?

I’m still learning so much from you all and from observing her. I might start feeding her just in the morning and moving her baths to later in the day. Her last bowel movement was 5 days ago and it came at night so maybe food with coconut or olive oil in the morning, a good long bask and then a bath later in the day might help move things. If I just do one feeding a day, would 2 ml be too much in one sitting?

She is moving better than she was a week ago but still not mobile enough to move between warm and cool sides, so I am doing my best to observe her and go off of the signs she gives me as far as adjusting her temperature. I’m letting her sleep at a cooler temperature ranging around 77-80 degrees, when I wake her up, I put the UVB light and basking light on and let her get some rays for a while before feeding her. I keep very careful track of the basking surface temps and keep them around 95-98. I take her out of her terrarium to eat. I was doing baths at this time but again I’m going to try them later in the day to see how that works. Today I tried holding her against my chest/shoulder and walking her around for a bit. After she eats, I let her bask for at least two hours then turn off the basking light for about two hours. The temperatures go down to about 86 during that time. I’ll go on and off with the basking light all day. I don’t know if this is right but she seems to like getting a break from it. She usually looks really good color wise in the morning and through the day but she’s been getting a little pale at the end of the day under the basking light. Again I’m keeping the basking temperature around 95-97. I’m still trying to get her hydrated so maybe that’s why. Or maybe she’s just ready to go to bed. Throughout the day under the basking light she looks good, it’s just that last one before lights out when she gets a little pale. Any guidance on what I’m doing and if it seems right or wrong would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks so much for your time and advice and help!

KarrieRee Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 4
Thank you! This is a long-winded response so I’ll highlight questions. :)

She is eating the baby food. I think she likes it. She’s still so sleepy so it’s hard to tell. Much more alert than a week ago but still sleepy. I tried a little butternut squash today and got the plain calcium that I’ll start sprinkling on daily.

Any dosage recommendations on the grapefruit and grape seed extracts? With grapefruit seed, I usually put a few drops in an ounce of water. Even one undiluted drop is so strong. I could put ten drops in an ounce of water but only give her a few drops of the diluted mixture if that works. But please advise if you have a better solution!

For the grape seed extract, would this be a good formula to try? Maybe just a drop of it?

I’m still learning so much from you all and from observing her. I might start feeding her just in the morning and moving her baths to later in the day. Her last bowel movement was 5 days ago and it came at night so maybe food with coconut or olive oil in the morning, a good long bask and then a bath later in the day might help move things. If I just do one feeding a day, would 2 ml be too much in one sitting?

She is moving better than she was a week ago but still not mobile enough to move between warm and cool sides, so I am doing my best to observe her and go off of the signs she gives me as far as adjusting her temperature. I’m letting her sleep at a cooler temperature ranging around 77-80 degrees, when I wake her up, I put the UVB light and basking light on and let her get some rays for a while before feeding her. I keep very careful track of the basking surface temps and keep them around 95-98. I take her out of her terrarium to eat. I was doing baths at this time but again I’m going to try them later in the day to see how that works. Today I tried holding her against my chest/shoulder and walking her around for a bit. After she eats, I let her bask for at least two hours then turn off the basking light for about two hours. The temperatures go down to about 86 during that time. I’ll go on and off with the basking light all day. I don’t know if this is right but she seems to like getting a break from it. She usually looks really good color wise in the morning and through the day but she’s been getting a little pale at the end of the day under the basking light. Again I’m keeping the basking temperature around 95-97. I’m still trying to get her hydrated so maybe that’s why. Or maybe she’s just ready to go to bed. Throughout the day under the basking light she looks good, it’s just that last one before lights out when she gets a little pale. Any guidance on what I’m doing and if it seems right or wrong would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks so much for your time and advice and help!
Basking light and UVB should be on 12 hrs on and 12 hrs off --- ambient temps on the hot side around 100 -- surface basking temps 95-100--- her poop is going to tell you if shes hydrated - it should white formed and moist - any chalky dried out shes dehydrated


Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
Basking light and UVB should be on 12 hrs on and 12 hrs off --- ambient temps on the hot side around 100 -- surface basking temps 95-100--- her poop is going to tell you if shes hydrated - it should white formed and moist - any chalky dried out shes dehydrated
Thanks KarrieRee! She can’t move right now because the impaction is still not out so I’ve been trying to adjust for her. The UVB light is on 12 hours every day. I was just turning the basking light off for short periods but maybe I can leave it on and just slide it over to the other side of the tank periodically.

KarrieRee Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 4
Thanks KarrieRee! She can’t move right now because the impaction is still not out so I’ve been trying to adjust for her. The UVB light is on 12 hours every day. I was just turning the basking light off for short periods but maybe I can leave it on and just slide it over to the other side of the tank periodically.
Leave both lights on consistently - she needs stable temps of 100 ambient hot side and cool side of 80ish- shes not dragging herself at all ?


Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
Leave both lights on consistently - she needs stable temps of 100 ambient hot side and cool side of 80ish- shes not dragging herself at all ?
No sadly. she did before the impaction. She started moving her legs a bit in the bath after starting the pumpkin. Shortly after she pooped. Now she will move slightly on her towel. She’ll move herself up on it a bit and move her head but no significant movement besides that. I have only been giving her pumpkin puree and olive oil plus dustings of calcium for the last week and I’m wondering if I should continue with that until she poops again or start mixing in some chicken or turkey baby food for protein and strength. Last time she went was last Saturday evening. Thanks!

KarrieRee Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 4
No sadly. she did before the impaction. She started moving her legs a bit in the bath after starting the pumpkin. Shortly after she pooped. Now she will move slightly on her towel. She’ll move herself up on it a bit and move her head but no significant movement besides that. I have only been giving her pumpkin puree and olive oil plus dustings of calcium for the last week and I’m wondering if I should continue with that until she poops again or start mixing in some chicken or turkey baby food for protein and strength. Last time she went was last Saturday evening. Thanks!
You need the temps consistent so she starts digesting the food -- I guess I would add some of the chicken in along w/ the pumpkin - what goes in must come out- I am thinking shes gonna have a blow out here soon


Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
You need the temps consistent so she starts digesting the food -- I guess I would add some of the chicken in along w/ the pumpkin - what goes in must come out- I am thinking shes gonna have a blow out here soon
Oh man I am hoping and praying for that!! I really appreciate you teaching me these things. The first week she was with me I made so many mistakes. And the info the vet gave me was off in many areas.

Could she stay in the basking area all day or does she need a break now and then?
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KarrieRee Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 4
Oh man I am hoping and praying for that!! I really appreciate you teaching me these things. The first week she was with me I made so many mistakes. And the info the vet gave me was off in many areas.

Could she stay in the basking area all day or does she need a break now and then?
It depends on the dragon --- some will stay there all day and some will move around the tank -- you want her to have at least 4 hrs of basking time - that is w/ basking temps and her UVB

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

How is your girl doing?
There aren't really any "set" doses on supplements such as those. The grape seed extract mix
of the 1 drop of solution to 10 drops of distilled water sounds good. That is not terribly strong but
should give some benefits without being too strong.
Has she been able to move around her tank any better yet?
For the feedings, 1-2MLS per day sounds good. If you feel she needs to gain a bit of weight, you
can increase up to 3 or 4MLS daily. Be sure to break it up into several small feedings.

Keep us posted on her!



Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
Hi all - I have some ups and downs to report. Yesterday I added in some chicken baby food. I mixed one part chicken to two parts pumpkin. It’s slightly thicker than the pumpkin and when I gave it to her she seemed really enthusiastic. She chewed with more vigor. I’m not sure if she was responding to the taste or the texture but she seemed to really like it. I gave her 1 ml waited three hours and gave her a second ml of the same concoction and then five hours later gave her 1 ml of baby food butternut squash.

I bought a scale because she’s so skinny and she had gained 1 gram when I weighed her on Saturday and 2 more grams when I weighed her today.

Today I fed her 1 ml of the 1 part chicken 2 part pumpkin. I had to be away most of the day but I had people watching her and making sure she was okay. Around 1:30 today my son texted to say she pooped. It wasn’t the huge blow out I was hoping for but it was another ball of urate and that was something. When I came home around 6pm we gave her a bath to see if more would come out (it did not) and I gave her 1 ml of butternut squash afterwards.

Two hours later she was throwing up. I saw her try to get more out so I gently held her vertically and opened her mouth and orange liquid came out. It was probably at least 2 ml of throw up.

She still has a hard impaction in the middle of her abdomen so I’m not sure if it had to do with the increase in food, the addition of chicken, the fact that the poop isn’t moving out faster than once a week and it’s building up or all of the above.

Yesterday I was very attentive to the temperatures and she got plenty of basking time between 95 and 99 degrees to digest but I was gone for a long time today and had to rely on other people. I think for the most part the temperatures were good but I can’t be certain. I’m not sure how to proceed.

Do I try not feeding her tomorrow?
Do I go back to just pumpkins?
Do I do smaller increments more frequently?

Thank you! I was so encouraged by her enthusiasm for the chicken and her pooping today but now so discouraged by the throwing up.

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

That is a mixed update indeed, sorry for the stress! She is definitely trying so hard to recover, bless
her! It is an ordeal for impactions such as hers to break up. Are you mixing in a few drops of coconut
or olive oil a few times a week? That may help out with softening the impaction some.
It's great she was eating so well. Perhaps go with a little less each feeding, for awhile. You can stick
with the butternut squash & or canned pumpkin. Maybe adding just a tiny bit of the chicken or turkey
a few times per week.
Is she doing better today after throwing up? Keep us posted on her progress.
Be sure to keep her a little warmer overnight also which can boost her immune system.



Original Poster
Beardie name(s)
Thanks Tracie!

What temp range would you recommend for overnight? I’ve been keeping her around 82-77 but can go higher if that’s better for her right now.

I didn’t give her anything to eat today. I thought I’d give her a little break but will start again tomorrow with just 1/2 ml and maybe feed her that about 3 times for a total of 1.5 ml to see how she does. She pooped again today (hooray). Not huge amounts but something. More urate. But that’s two days in a row. I gave her a longer then usual bath to see if more would come out and a little bit did. I gave her a couple drops of water in the morning and a couple more in the afternoon but nothing more. At one point when I propped her head up slightly under a dish towel she made a swallowing movement so I’m wondering if something had come up in her mouth. I didn’t see anything else that would indicate throwing up. She just looked tired.

Thanks always for your help!!

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