Darkened color?


Hello, I am concerned about my beardie, I have had him since June 27 and I have a few things I am stressing about because I have heard so many horror stories and I just want to make sure he is happy, it seems I either can’t get his temperatures to stay just right his warm side it generally at 95*f and his cool side just will not stay cool enough it stays around 85ish*f, which is why I think his colors are getting dark when I go to put him away in his enclosure. But when he is out of his enclosure he is bright and moving around and being playful! So It it Becuase he is unhappy with his enclosure set up or he wants to be out? I also and concerned Becuase he sometimes take really really deep breaths almost like he can’t get enough air through his nostrils which is concerning me I have pictures of everything light and brand and the way his tank is set up as well as how dark his color gets I just am very stressed about making sure my little guy is happy and healthy please any information is helpful


BD.org Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 4
Hello, I am concerned about my beardie, I have had him since June 27 and I have a few things I am stressing about because I have heard so many horror stories and I just want to make sure he is happy, it seems I either can’t get his temperatures to stay just right his warm side it generally at 95*f and his cool side just will not stay cool enough it stays around 85ish*f, which is why I think his colors are getting dark when I go to put him away in his enclosure. But when he is out of his enclosure he is bright and moving around and being playful! So It it Becuase he is unhappy with his enclosure set up or he wants to be out? I also and concerned Becuase he sometimes take really really deep breaths almost like he can’t get enough air through his nostrils which is concerning me I have pictures of everything light and brand and the way his tank is set up as well as how dark his color gets I just am very stressed about making sure my little guy is happy and healthy please any information is helpful
please post the pics-- how are you getting the surface basking temps?


Original Poster
please post the pics-- how are you getting the surface basking temps?
He has not gotten this dark since the first night I am going to post the products I have now


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Original Poster
The digital thermometers have probes? I would replace the T 5 bulb w/ either a Arcadia 12% 24 watt or a reptisun 10.0 T 5 - quality of bulb is way better -
are the temperatures okay? And the light set up the way the tube light is next to the basking light should be good right? He should still be getting his uvb rays?


BD.org Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 4
are the temperatures okay? And the light set up the way the tube light is next to the basking light should be good right? He should still be getting his uvb rays?
Yes set up looks good is the screen on and wide holed? If so decor should be 8-10 inches directly below uvb-- was trying to figure out what temp was what?


Original Poster
Yes set up looks good is the screen on and wide holed? If so decor should be 8-10 inches directly below uvb-- was trying to figure out what temp was what?
Yes the screen is on i believe it is wide holes but i have thought of just cutting big hole for the lights so they can be more effective. And temp on the hot side fluctuates between 93-101 depending on if the screen is on or off and cold side I can’t get it to stay below 80 degrees unless it is night time


BD.org Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 4
Yes the screen is on i believe it is wide holes but i have thought of just cutting big hole for the lights so they can be more effective. And temp on the hot side fluctuates between 93-101 depending on if the screen is on or off and cold side I can’t get it to stay below 80 degrees unless it is night time
You cant get the cold side below 80 during the day ? You dont want it below 80 during the day that is a good temp --- 93-101 is good for surface basking temps -- if you cut a hole you will need to adjust the UVB to 12-15 inches


Original Poster
You cant get the cold side below 80 during the day ? You dont want it below 80 during the day that is a good temp --- 93-101 is good for surface basking temps -- if you cut a hole you will need to adjust the UVB to 12-15 inches
So the uvb needs to be further away then the heat/basking light. I feel like my stressed brain about this situation is stopping me from comprehending. I’m sorry I do really appreciate your help!


BD.org Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 4
So the uvb needs to be further away then the heat/basking light. I feel like my stressed brain about this situation is stopping me from comprehending. I’m sorry I do really appreciate your help!
For unobstructed UVB's distance is 12-15 inches for wide screen 8-10 inches -- basking lights should be NO closer than 6 inches -- you dont want burns and too hot of temps

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