do i give probiotics whilst on medication for coccidia

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Hi There, do i give my beardie probiotics whilst he is on medication for coccidia (meds Septrin) and also (flagyl). My vet didn't recommend doing this cause i maybe feeding the parasites whilst i'm trying to kill them off.

Thanks for reading my topic and hopefully we will get some help in trying to get my little guy back on track. :(


Gray-bearded Member
Well both medications can be very harsh on their natural bacteria, which you wan to grow up again. I wouldn't give probiotic (I really dont believe in it - im a microbiologist) but a soy yoghurt't (no dairy at all) will help settle the pH of the gut and allow normal bacteria to regrow.


Original Poster
Hi Buggsy and thanks for the quick reply, is the ok alpro soya? and shall i give this to him whilst on the meds? Also How much would you recommend? He's an adult weighing at about 530g 18 inch long.

Thanks Again


Gray-bearded Member
That sounds good, just no dairy as they cant digest it!

Not sure about quantities, try 0.5ml a day with a needleless syringe.

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

Check your messages, I inquired about the doses of the 2 medications & the concentrations or strengths of them. They are harsh on his system.
The soya yogurt is fine. That is a probiotic & while some vets don't recommend them, a lot of vets do. I have personally seen much better effects using probiotics than without. Those medications that are particularly harsh on their system can contribute to increased bad bacteria killing off the good bacteria which can encourage yeast & fungal infections.
The soya yogurt is dairy free, so you can use any flavor that you want. It has live bacteria in it which is the same thing as a probiotic only in a yogurt.
As suggested, you can give .5ml daily, that should be adequate for your sized dragon. I would give during the entire medication round as well as up to 1-2 week post medication. However, let's review your doses of the Septrin & Flagyl first, because given together that can be dangerous.
Be sure to give extra oral fluids as well, during the medication round.

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