
BD.org Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 4
Only today I switched out the uvb coil for a tube and after that is when I saw her eat for the first time so maybe that’s a step in the right direction , will definitely load the grasshoppers before feeding them to her and try the eyedrop water method .

Do you think I should still take her to the vet for the eyes though? Or just wait abit longer and see what happens , hasn’t been a full week in my care yet so maybe the stress is adding to everything like you said earlier .

So from my understanding she’s not brumating if she’s younger then 1 years , but because of tr cold weather itself she will naturally just be more lethargic and less active

I believe the new light is ( 8000k sunlight ) 14-16% UVB from the company “getyourpetright”

I was just worried when I got heaps of comments on Facebook , everyone seemed to know the most and ssy she looked very unhealthy unhappy and on the verge of disease
Please swap out the bulb for a Arcadia 12% 24 watt bulb for a fixture that is 24" long-- incorrect temps in the tank will cause lethargic behavior along w/ not eating - its good she is eating something - shes going thru relocation stress so that is causing the not eating as well -- and the UVB --- you want a good bulb and in a fixture w/ a reflector- Zoo Med and Sunblaster Nano Techs are good fixtures along w/ Reptisun 10.0 T 5 bulbs -- please get rid of the sand and rinse her eye w/ the saline solution go from there - if its not getting any better post back on here - start there -- stress wont cause the eye issue -- its lighting or I am thinking the sand


Sub-Adult Member
Beardie name(s)
Luis and Lilith
Only today I switched out the uvb coil for a tube and after that is when I saw her eat for the first time so maybe that’s a step in the right direction , will definitely load the grasshoppers before feeding them to her and try the eyedrop water method .

Do you think I should still take her to the vet for the eyes though? Or just wait abit longer and see what happens , hasn’t been a full week in my care yet so maybe the stress is adding to everything like you said earlier .

So from my understanding she’s not brumating if she’s younger then 1 years , but because of tr cold weather itself she will naturally just be more lethargic and less active

I believe the new light is ( 8000k sunlight ) 14-16% UVB from the company “getyourpetright”

I was just worried when I got heaps of comments on Facebook , everyone seemed to know the most and ssy she looked very unhealthy unhappy and on the verge of disease
Small is refering to the size, not age. My boy brumated the first time with 10 months or so, he was 350g.

The cool weather will make her less active, yes.

As Karrie suggested the saline solution is a good idea and see how she does in a couple of days.

The Arcadia and ZooMed bulbs are the best bulbs you can use. If she's eating since you changed the bulb she was missing out on the uvb. Plus the relocation stress, that can take a week or two.


Original Poster
Update to the eye

Her eye has lost a lot of the swelling and she seems that 10% more active


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BD.org Sicko
Staff member

She is looking a lot better. I'm sure her eye isn't hurting like it was previously either.
Did you change out your UVB light for her too?
It looks like it is just about back to normal for her. Did she finish shedding?



Original Poster

She is looking a lot better. I'm sure her eye isn't hurting like it was previously either.
Did you change out your UVB light for her too?
It looks like it is just about back to normal for her. Did she finish shedding?


UVB light was changed from a coil to a longer tube that sits under the mesh , 14 or 17% UVB

Still shedding but only her arms look like they’ve started ,

Got told by breeder she’s actually about 4-5 months old

Any tips for a dragon this young

She seems extremely uninterested in greens and only hunts for grasshoppers , still haven’t seen her drink water from the bowl that’s provided , any thoughts ??



Sub-Adult Member
Beardie name(s)
Luis and Lilith
She looks really good today. She will get better by the day the more she sheds off and the longer she has good uvb.

She's a month older than my girl then. At this age feed her insects twice a day, dusted in calcium once a day. Once a week with added multivitamin also.
Offer her water with the eyedropper every other day until she gets the hang of it. Twice a week when she starts to drink well.

My girl is in shed right now also. Usually she eats everything I offer but when in shed, she only eats mealworms and locusts and also a bit less than usual. Some hibisculs flowers or pumpkin can lure her to the salads bowl anytime though.

Give her time and don't handle her too much until the shed is done and she adjusted to the enviroment. Shedding will affect her appetite but she should not go completely off food. At this age it is also not uncommon for her to not be interested in greens. Keep offering them though.


Original Poster
She looks really good today. She will get better by the day the more she sheds off and the longer she has good uvb.

She's a month older than my girl then. At this age feed her insects twice a day, dusted in calcium once a day. Once a week with added multivitamin also.
Offer her water with the eyedropper every other day until she gets the hang of it. Twice a week when she starts to drink well.

My girl is in shed right now also. Usually she eats everything I offer but when in shed, she only eats mealworms and locusts and also a bit less than usual. Some hibisculs flowers or pumpkin can lure her to the salads bowl anytime though.

Give her time and don't handle her too much until the shed is done and she adjusted to the enviroment. Shedding will affect her appetite but she should not go completely off food. At this age it is also not uncommon for her to not be interested in greens. Keep offering them though.
Cheers, lll continue to offer the greens and insects and I’ll give an update

When I put her on my hands and pur in the tank she doesn’t want to go off into it ? Good signs ?? Or she’s just scared

When I hold her she doesn’t wanna escape or anything


Sub-Adult Member
Beardie name(s)
Luis and Lilith
Cheers, lll continue to offer the greens and insects and I’ll give an update

When I put her on my hands and pur in the tank she doesn’t want to go off into it ? Good signs ?? Or she’s just scared

When I hold her she doesn’t wanna escape or anything
No, that's a good sign I think. Mine will try to run if they are scared and just freeze and stop to move if they are...irritated or insecure, I'd say.
But could also be that she doesn't yet feel completely safe and secure in the tank.

As mentioned with her being with you for this short time and her being also in shed, I'd try to handle her sparingly. Like every other day or so but it's up to you, you'll see best how she does take it.

And please keep us posted on her progress. Have you taken lenght and weight yet? :)


BD.org Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 4
Did you rinse the eye w/ saline? Also the 14% uvb is really strong distance should be around 17 inches above the basking area


BD.org Sicko
Staff member

That is a good sign she doesn't try to escape when you pick her up. It sounds like she is doing much
better now. Is her eye still improving?
Keep us posted on her progress.



Original Poster
Her eye has become a lot better since the first post , and a lot more active

Ate the most I’ve seen since I got here , a few meal worms lots of grasshoppers and a few pieces of misted lettuce . Really happy with it as she was eating them from my hand and consistently , also found out she loves to hunt for grasshoppers haha

Considering changing from a sand floor to just shelf liner or something else not sure

Also need to buy a scale to document her weight , anything else I need to be tracking ???

Big thanks to everyone that has commented on the first post it means a lot to me that there’s a community that is willing to help someone new to the reptile world ❤️



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Sub-Adult Member
Beardie name(s)
Luis and Lilith
She looks good. Some small stress lines but those should fade with time.

For mine I just track weight and lenght.

As mentioned, feed insects twice a day until she gets to about 6 months. Then feed 7 days a week and reduce that by one day per month until you are only feeding twice a week.
As adults they don't metabolize Proteins as well (they don't grow as much anymore), that's why the bugs need to decrease.

Congrats to the progress you are making with her, you seem up to a good start now.


BD.org Sicko
Beardie name(s)
Hiccup he is 6 and Blaze is 4
Her eye has become a lot better since the first post , and a lot more active

Ate the most I’ve seen since I got here , a few meal worms lots of grasshoppers and a few pieces of misted lettuce . Really happy with it as she was eating them from my hand and consistently , also found out she loves to hunt for grasshoppers haha

Considering changing from a sand floor to just shelf liner or something else not sure

Also need to buy a scale to document her weight , anything else I need to be tracking ???

Big thanks to everyone that has commented on the first post it means a lot to me that there’s a community that is willing to help someone new to the reptile world ❤️

View attachment 90446
Please no regular lettuce- romaine is good Nutrition Content ignore the kale info its outdated-- I would hold off on the meal worms they can cause impaction in babies- BSFL - silk worms - crickets and dubia roaches are good staple feeders- the BSFL are great for salad lures to the bowl and hand taming


BD.org Sicko
Staff member

That is great to see her so alert & happy there!
I think that's a very good idea to change from a sand substrate liner to a non adhesive shelf liner, it
is much easier to keep it clean & there's less dirt & debris also.
I think she is on the road to full recovery now & should start to do very well.
Keep us posted on her progress!



Original Poster
Noticed her belly is completely white and black streaks on beard is a lot duller than yesterday, is this a good sign


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