Getting ready to lay eggs but acting very strange


New member
Addi is about 3 years old and she is in the stages of laying eggs. She has been barely eating for 3 weeks and been very tired. We went to a vet about 4 days ago and she was told that she has signs that she could have MBD. They gave her a shot of vitamins. Yesterday she threw up weird chunks and I was unsure of what to do since she wasn’t eating very much so it didn’t make a lot of sense. We decided to bring her to the ER right after (a different vet) and they did an ultrasound and found that she is full of eggs. They said she is getting to the point to lay or pass the eggs. Ever since her first visit at the vet things have been strange. She has been way more sluggish and her neck has been really black showing she is stressed. After yesterday, she has been worse. She doesn’t want to move at all and last night i’m not sure if she even slept. This morning she is breathing through her mouth. Should I bring her back to another ER? The one I brought her to is closed and this would be a third vet we’ve visited.

Her tank is a 120 gallon tank with 90-100 on the basking side and 70-75 on the cool side. We put a dig box in the middle of her cage so she can dig last night and she hasn’t done any digging so far.


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Also when she went to the first vet they took xrays and her bones looked exactly the same as her previous xrays in march when we took her for a check up.

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

I concur. Since she is black bearding, she is most likely in distress. If she does have eggs, & is far
enough along to have started laying them but hasn't then she may be having a problem laying. If at
all possible, try to find another vet.


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