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Hatchling Member
I Got my first 2 dragons on sat. and my male cronus has not pooped until yesterday and there was blood in it and then again today there is blood in it...there is something hanging out of his vent as well what do i dooooo?


Hatchling Member
Original Poster
it is an object i think he has a black beard all i know is it is brown it is hanging out about a centimeter and it is hard!!! he also has a very horrible odor




BD.org Sicko
Looks like you are housing him on pellets, it is possible he ingested one of them. Can you take a picture of his vent and of the obstruction?


Hatchling Member
Original Poster
i gave it a small little little gentle gentle pull and it opened his vent and he threw a fit really big black beard it is hard to the touch not soft :( i dont know what to do :(


BD.org Sicko
It may be a very small prolapse, try soaking him in warm sugar water and see it that helps. I think it is time for a vet visit.


Hatchling Member
Original Poster
warm sugar water? how much sugar/water?

he just had a bath yesterday... the olny vet that will see him wants $160 just for the visit and when i explained whats going on they said they might not be able to do anything... and i just cant afford that right now :(

i feel real bad about that but money is really tight which is why im getting rid of my prego female


BD.org Sicko
Just let him soak in about 20 minutes. Then dry him. You may want to offer him that type of bath at least 2-3 times a day. If you have any peperation H around then you can gently put a little around it but try not to touch it. Yes that oil will work.
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