Hello everyone from SoCal! I’m looking to get a beardie next year so I’m doing research beforehand to really be prepared 🥰


New member
I’m 16 and I was planning on getting a beardie this month after I got everything it needs set up but I’m going on a month long vacation in December and only my stepdad is staying back but he reptiles give him the heebie jeebies so I decided it’s best to wait until next year. 🥲


BD.org Addict
Photo Comp Winner
Beardie name(s)
Zen , Ruby ,Snicker Doodles, Sweet Pea, Sinatra
I’m 16 and I was planning on getting a beardie this month after I got everything it needs set up but I’m going on a month long vacation in December and only my stepdad is staying back but he reptiles give him the heebie jeebies so I decided it’s best to wait until next year. 🥲
Welcome to the forum. Ask about anything at all. It's way better to ask than to just guess.
It sounds like you are already a good keeper because your doing the responsible thing.
The number obe mistake new keepers make is the lighting. It is the most critical aspect of keeping them. Work with folk here and we can help you get off to the right start, then you just get enjoy your new bubby in stead of worrying all the time 🙂


Juvie Member
Beardie name(s)
Can agree very much - you're showing responsibility. And a year gives plenty time for getting information, and maybe for saving up for the equipment or for some birthday, holiday... gifts. (I'm not talking about giving pets as a gift, not good. I'm talking about equipment that might go on a wish list if your family does that.)


BD.org Sicko
Staff member

Congratulations, we are all here to help! We have a terrific group of beardie lovers & experts to
help along the way with setup, nutrition, & everything else.

Beardie name(s)
Copper (Male Leatherback) and Callie (Female HypoTrans Leatherback)
Welcome! Love to have you! Yes! Do your research! You can never stop learning. I’ve owned bearded dragons since 2011. I’ve made some mistakes in the past, yes, but I learned from them. I never stop learning. The more learning, the better your care.

My #1 recommendation is don’t skimp out. Yes saving $10 on a UVB light SOUNDS good, but is it really worth it if your animal is going to suffer? Get the right stuff, and you’re off to a great start.

Ask any questions, grab a drink, and make yourself at home. Welcome, bud.


Juvie Member
Beardie name(s)
My #1 recommendation is don’t skimp out. Yes saving $10 on a UVB light SOUNDS good, but is it really worth it if your animal is going to suffer? Get the right stuff, and you’re off to a great start.
I agree on this very much!
To add to this: My recommendation, along this, is to not start with a small enclosure. Yes, larger ones are more expensive - but the large one is needed nevertheless, and it will cost even more money to buy the small ones in addition.
For my dragon, I immediately bought the large one and furniture to put it on, the long UV tube and all that. Despite it looked a bit strange with the baby dragon inside, it saved me from the stress of later maybe not having the money for the large one once it's needed, or it not working out for another reason.
Beardie name(s)
Copper (Male Leatherback) and Callie (Female HypoTrans Leatherback)
I agree on this very much!
To add to this: My recommendation, along this, is to not start with a small enclosure. Yes, larger ones are more expensive - but the large one is needed nevertheless, and it will cost even more money to buy the small ones in addition.
For my dragon, I immediately bought the large one and furniture to put it on, the long UV tube and all that. Despite it looked a bit strange with the baby dragon inside, it saved me from the stress of later maybe not having the money for the large one once it's needed, or it not working out for another reason.
I agree ^

Either buy or build a 4x2x2, in my opinion. Building is always cheaper, but if you don't have the knowledge or tools, you can buy them :)


Juvie Member
Beardie name(s)

Option 3 would be: Getting one made. This was what I had chosen, as where we live such enclosures cannot be bought (there was only a smaller ExoTerra, sold for converted to USD a hefty 600! imported things are very expensive here), and I also wasn't able to build one as we were recently moving (means: no leftover parts from another project, tools still underway, and cutting and assembling all the parts in an apartment also hadn't looked optimal).
I had then tried looking into whether I might be able to find a used very large fish tank. Also wasn't available.
Looked whether certain furniture could be repurposed (especially glass cabinet "IKEA Fabrikör" can easily be repurposed into a vivarium, enclosure...) - a bit too small for a dragon IMHO, would have been very nice for a bit smaller reptiles but I just wasn't into getting anoles or a chameleon.

I then opted for: Glass tank made by a glass company, and I make only the lid (wooden frame, hinges, wide-hole wire mesh). Worked out fine for a very reasonable price (converted to USD only 200 USD, but custom-made things aren't very expensive here) and I'm very satisfied with that (my dragon Taco is also ;) ). This way I got a 120 cm x 80 cm x 80 cm (200 gallon) tank. I first had thought custom-made will be extremely expensive so I had not considered first; the idea came from my husband who sometimes had custom-made aquariums and said I should try asking around glass companies.
Under a bit different circumstances I might have opted for buying an enclosure (especially one that can assembled like furniture at home), or building the complete enclosure and not only the lid (maybe even from repurposed furniture). Good that there are quite a lot of options to chose from :)
Beardie name(s)
Copper (Male Leatherback) and Callie (Female HypoTrans Leatherback)

Option 3 would be: Getting one made. This was what I had chosen, as where we live such enclosures cannot be bought (there was only a smaller ExoTerra, sold for converted to USD a hefty 600! imported things are very expensive here), and I also wasn't able to build one as we were recently moving (means: no leftover parts from another project, tools still underway, and cutting and assembling all the parts in an apartment also hadn't looked optimal).
I had then tried looking into whether I might be able to find a used very large fish tank. Also wasn't available.
Looked whether certain furniture could be repurposed (especially glass cabinet "IKEA Fabrikör" can easily be repurposed into a vivarium, enclosure...) - a bit too small for a dragon IMHO, would have been very nice for a bit smaller reptiles but I just wasn't into getting anoles or a chameleon.

I then opted for: Glass tank made by a glass company, and I make only the lid (wooden frame, hinges, wide-hole wire mesh). Worked out fine for a very reasonable price (converted to USD only 200 USD, but custom-made things aren't very expensive here) and I'm very satisfied with that (my dragon Taco is also ;) ). This way I got a 120 cm x 80 cm x 80 cm (200 gallon) tank. I first had thought custom-made will be extremely expensive so I had not considered first; the idea came from my husband who sometimes had custom-made aquariums and said I should try asking around glass companies.
Under a bit different circumstances I might have opted for buying an enclosure (especially one that can assembled like furniture at home), or building the complete enclosure and not only the lid (maybe even from repurposed furniture). Good that there are quite a lot of options to chose from :)
Yes, this is an option! Finding people in your area that know how to make glass enclosures, or melamine enclosures is an option. Using Facebook Marketplace, or OfferUp is a great start!


Juvie Member
Beardie name(s)

In my case, I made the plans (technical job, enough experience with that), and I didn't know whether the company had experience in enclosures (likely not, here in Chile it's rare to keep reptiles). I just looked up glass companies online by simply googling for what means "glass company" here and name of the city, e-mailed three of them the plans and waited what they say to it. I made sure they understand it's not an aquarium but will be kept "dry", otherwise they might not build it for insurance reasons (if that bursts...).
In the US, Facebook Marketplace, or OfferUp might really work (keeping reptiles also seems to be more usual there, other than here). And as it's more common there, even finding an used enclosure.

So in general, with a lot of time until next year I would recommend to @beardie4life to check out options for an enclosure and that already of the large/final size. Not unlikely that within a year, a used enclosure, a piece of furniture that can be repurposed (large cabinet with glass doors, add a lock, fit lamps inside or exchange top of the cabinet with a wide-hole mesh...)... turns up, or a good deal on enclosures that can be easily shipped as they are assembled just like a piece of furniture at home (sometimes here somebody posted something about discounts).
Also a stand/table for the enclosure. Old TV cabinets can be great, and I've also seen somebody here using a wide bench for it. Shipping pallets can also be used as very sturdy tables for enclosures.

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My baby beardie likes to sit in their water bowl. I'm curious on whether it would hurt them or not.
Any thoughts an knowledge will be helpful. Thank u
Im needing some questions answered about my female beardeddragon, I honestly have no idea on age , she was a recuse, as ive had a couple in my life an have experience. So 9 weeks in , she earing well pooping well getting comfortable, then approx 3-4 days ago the digging started. So I got a dig box set up in her 75 g tank. Well within 2 hours she dropped an egg. Now only one egg an its been 10 hours.shouldiBworried
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I just set Swordtail's timer for his bath and paused it so I could actually fill his soaking bowl up and he crawled over my phone and canceled the timer 🤣

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