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Hello! My name is Jessyca, and I have a 3 yr old male beardie named Draco. I rescued him from my dad... He bought him as a "cool exotic pet" (and I think to annoy my mom because she wouldn't let him get a dog :roll: ), and every time I would visit my parents he would have a filthy cage and be out of food. I went home for father's day last year and found mold growing in his food dish. That was the final straw for me. By the time dad got home from work, Draco's cage was all packed up, and he's been mine ever since. I don't know how I didn't find this forum back then, but I didn't, and I've been trying to find good information and hoping that I've been doing right by him. Then I happened to meet Blondie, and she has been so helpful. I've found out that I've been doing some things right, others not so much, but she's given me a ton of advice, let me borrow a good light until mine comes in, brought me a sampler platter of veggies to try and one of her blankets (so cute, and he loves it!), and told me to come here for even more great information. Considering the change I've seen in Draco after only a few hours, I am anxious to learn more and be a better mom. I spoil my other pets, and I'll be thrilled when I know enough to spoil Draco as well.


Hatchling Member
Welcome and congratulations on your rescue!

I too am a new Beardie owner and I have loved the awesome resource of this forum. I'm sure you will find lots and lots of helpful information here.

How about some pictures?? :)


Gray-bearded Member
WELCOME Jessyca! It's Dawn... aka Thing #2 ... so is he more banana colored today? How many bowls of food did he attack today? How is he doing, I've been thinking of him all day, he is such a sweetiepie! You will feel at home here, I am sure Barbara & Dawn (Thing #1) from FL and Sandy and Christine and Sandi in Canada and everyone else will be along soon :)

You've got my number, and my email, so let me know how he's doing :) I feel like I have an adopted grandchild :mrgreen:
Yea, some cute pictures of your new beardie would be awesome! I feel bad for your new pet though, a lot of people do sadly buy exotic pets just because they think they're "cool" and never understand how long some of them live OR how to care for them properlly, I just adopted my own beardie and the same thing happened to him. :(


Gray-bearded Member
Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you yesterday ... we LOVE pictures here, and some members get a little cranky and demand updates/pictures (ahem, gulfbrzdawn or fresnowitte or goonie, to drop the dime on a couple of pranksters!) or they hijack your thread with snowballs or pumpkins or whatever is seasonal :mrgreen:


Pics are always great but I just like knowing the fact people love these animals enough to take them away from misguided adopters to give them the love and attention they need to be healthy. Nice rescue!! I hope he brings all the joy that these lil guys bring there owners.


BD.org Sicko
Hello Jessyca and Draco & Welcome to BD.org!

And good for you for wanting to help him. :)

Look forward in seeing pic's of Draco when you are ready. :wink:

Again Welcome Aboard! :D


Juvie Member
Welcome to the site! It's a wonderful place with lots of great people :) I'm glad you were able to rescue Draco and glad you've now find this site !! Spoiling the dragons is paramount around here :p


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Original Poster
Wow, lots of hellos! Draco seems to be more and more active! He's loving the veggies, and keeps chowing down on mustard greens, which seem to be his new favorite. And his coloring is getting more yellow, and very pretty. I'm so excited to see such a positive change in him! I've been reading a lot of the threads on the forum, and I'm sure I'll start asking questions and talking more soon. I'm looking forward to getting to know everyone. Thanks for the warm welcome!


Gray-bearded Member
I know everyone is dying to see pics ~ I didn't even think of getting one with my phone the other day... we love pics here :) Glad he loves those mustards ~ they are great for calcium! You get the stink eye again last night at lights out? haa haa


Gray-bearded Member
ok, Jessyca doesn't have a camera, so she and Draco came to visit, meet my crew, and get some yummy supers... so I got a few pics of Mr. Handsome... she and her bf were heading off to a movie, I was tempted to say I'd babysit, Draco is just such a sweetheart! ;)

Here is that handsome guy you've been wanting to meet... and it turns out Jessyca is a Steelers fan, too Yay!





Of all the holes between rooms, the one next to Lexi's tank leads to the diningroom ... aka sewing lair... OMG of all the places he found, Draco found the hole beside the entertainment center. He can really jump!


BD.org Sicko
Dawn I just wanted to say, "thank-you for posting those pic's of Draco for Jessica." :D

Jessica he's a handsome guy. I'm so glad that you are having a good time learning more about his species and him.
He will love you so much more now for finding Auntie Dawn. :wink: She's the best beardie slave ever. :)
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