Maybe I'm Worrying Too Much?


Sub-Adult Member
Maybe I'm worrying too much and everything's fine.
Sometimes I think, not everything is fine. I'm dealing with a senior bearded dragon. Some times there are set backs in his progress. Sometimes he will have a good day. Sometimes he'll have bad days- set backs.
Today, he rolled over on his back. I was able to get him up and over. He didn't hurt himself because I have several padded items between his 'rock formation' and it's padded. But, after he rolled over on his back, he turned into a limp noodle. I try to make things easier on him. Earlier, he ran back and forth on his basking spot(s) no problem and is able to move down to his cool side and so forth. I had a pillow used as a bed and so I took that out so that he doesn't fall off that. I use padding for his bed (Like a pair of old fleece pants) a cushion I hand sewed. I keep this in his tank to cushion any 'falls'. Sometimes, he will fall on to the cushion and can't right himself. Other times, he does right himself.

So, I took him outside, for fresh air and he seemed alright. Ran around, trying to get to me.

I keep thinking of going back to low basking spots again. I just don't know what to do anymore. I feel my basking spot for his UVB may not be a good idea. But he seems to love sitting there and watching the birds every day.

xp29 Addict
Photo Comp Winner
Beardie name(s)
Zen , Ruby ,Snicker Doodles, Sweet Pea, Sinatra
Maybe I'm worrying too much and everything's fine.
Sometimes I think, not everything is fine. I'm dealing with a senior bearded dragon. Some times there are set backs in his progress. Sometimes he will have a good day. Sometimes he'll have bad days- set backs.
Today, he rolled over on his back. I was able to get him up and over. He didn't hurt himself because I have several padded items between his 'rock formation' and it's padded. But, after he rolled over on his back, he turned into a limp noodle. I try to make things easier on him. Earlier, he ran back and forth on his basking spot(s) no problem and is able to move down to his cool side and so forth. I had a pillow used as a bed and so I took that out so that he doesn't fall off that. I use padding for his bed (Like a pair of old fleece pants) a cushion I hand sewed. I keep this in his tank to cushion any 'falls'. Sometimes, he will fall on to the cushion and can't right himself. Other times, he does right himself.

So, I took him outside, for fresh air and he seemed alright. Ran around, trying to get to me.

I keep thinking of going back to low basking spots again. I just don't know what to do anymore. I feel my basking spot for his UVB may not be a good idea. But he seems to love sitting there and watching the birds every day.
All you can do is the best you can do. Special needs animals are more challenging for sure. But they also show more love and appreciation in return 🙂


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All you can do is the best you can do. Special needs animals are more challenging for sure. But they also show more love and appreciation in return 🙂
I don't like seeing him struggle so much. It breaks my heart because he used to be able to climb up on his basking spot by himself. I worry about him daily.

Drache613 Sicko
Staff member

It is hard to watch them decline as they get older but it seems though that he is still very happy. Do the best you can, spend time with him letting him run around as much as you can, safely.
Lowering his basking spot is a good idea just so he doesn't have to work too hard to bask.
I know that he appreciates all of your efforts & is having a great life!



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It is hard to watch them decline as they get older but it seems though that he is still very happy. Do the best you can, spend time with him letting him run around as much as you can, safely.
Lowering his basking spot is a good idea just so he doesn't have to work too hard to bask.
I know that he appreciates all of your efforts & is having a great life!

He's very happy with what I do for him. I noticed that when he's well rested and slept, his front legs are starting to get 'muscled or meaty. Sometimes, he will 'have resistance' or he will grip my fingers with both of his front legs. His back legs need work.
I'm hopeful that spending time outside in the kennel will help him explore the world safely and he won't get to eat something he shouldn't. I have an exterminator coming out today to spray outside of the house for carpenter ants and wasps, and carpenter bees. I'm tired of the wasps building their nests in places that I can reach. I'm also tired of these 'roaches' flying into the house. I'm not worried about the exterminator spraying something he shouldn't spray. He uses an all natural pest control spray that won't harm pets or people. I can't have sprays in the house. I can only use glue traps and that does little to help.
Anyway, he's doing ok. I think he was just tired and was trying to go to sleep.


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Update: I have lowered his basking spots, padded them all so that he doesn't fall. He has interest in food. But, he may have 'sprained or strained his 'shoulder' again. I don't want him to struggle to climb. Lowering the basking spots happened to be the only option.
I wish they would have a special needs manual for reptiles.


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I would have put a descriptive post above.
He had such an appetite, he almost 'got my fingers' while eating Dandelion Greens. He was so hungry!
He has an intelligence of a toddler, right? I told him that he should rest on this little cushion I gave to him. So, all day, he rested all through the day. When I came home and after feeding him at 5 PM, he sat up, and watched TV. I told him to not to over do any of his activities today. He would rest, perk his head up to watch his show- Forged In Fire.

Such a good smart boy.


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Update: This is great news. Today, Day Three of the Serrapeptase. Within two days of taking a .50 cc dose, which may be high for his weight, but I know it won't harm him. He had a lower dose today of .30 cc's or Mls- his choice. He didn't want anymore after that and the dandelion greens, he only ate a little. He was also very active too. Climbing all over his padded basking spot. I'm so proud of him. Lifted his head and looked around. I told him that he's a good boy. Now, if he doesn't poo on his padded basking spot, he'll be ok.


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He's fighting me every time I give him the Serrapeptase. He'll take about .30 mls of it instead of .50 mls. He eats his greens.


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Newest Update:
He has his towels in his tank. No poop dance today and no poop. He does show signs where he won't eat much when he has to poop. I did somethings differently with his feeding regimen. I had liquid calcium but I saw something floating in it so I threw it out. It wasn't there before. So I have to be careful.

Turnip Greens, Spirulina powder, water, bee pollen.
Repashy Grub Pie slurried with water, multivitamin, milk thistle, and kidney support powder, Reptihydrate, and he lapped it up with along with his turnip greens. There is calcium with the grub pie. So, that was his calcium this morning.
Din Din.

Turnip greens, spirulina, calcium powder, and bee pollen, sprinkled with water.
No protein slurry. I will give it to him in the morning.


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Update on Maya:
This morning, he ate most of his greens and the slurry has a secret ingredient added so that he doesn't taste the blueberry Serrapeptase. He is getting some Serrapeptase in his protein slurry. Today's doses were Reptihydrate, water, multivitamin powder, kidney support powder, and probiotics. He was so interested in the slurry, he would lick at it with his whole tongue. What a trooper.


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Urates are hard again. Yes, he eats greens with lots of water. I'll be watering the powders and see if this helps. He pooped big time. And is resting on my chest. I have the reptile hydrate liquid on hand. I've been giving him the liquid reptile hydrate every day.

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