moes black beard!

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Hey so my little guy moe's beard is Really black today ive never seen it like this before.Hes about 8 months old and Ive read that this is a sign that he is ready to mate is this true??. Ive also read that its a sign that your beardie could be ill but hes seems in good health hes qiute active and hes eating his crickets and veg like a gud lad. I feed him cabbage, rocket, parsley, wattercress, escarole, some broccoli and some carrots the odd time.I also give him blue berries once or twice a week which he loves is this ok?


Sub-Adult Member
He's probably just trying out his new beard-do. I wouldn't worry too much, he seems to be getting some good nutrition there. Plus, males will be males and that's just part of being one. My beardie puffs his beard out all the time, but I haven't once seen it black yet although I'm sure the day will come. Do you have any photos of your cute man?


Juvie Member
jeserah":10trjb13 said:
He's probably just trying out his new beard-do. I wouldn't worry too much, he seems to be getting some good nutrition there. Plus, males will be males and that's just part of being one. My beardie puffs his beard out all the time, but I haven't once seen it black yet although I'm sure the day will come. Do you have any photos of your cute man?
Khans dope i love his colours. Does he get lots of natural UV?


Sub-Adult Member
Moe is super adorable! What a great picture :)
It looks to me like he's more stretching his beard in the pic instead of black-bearding, which is really different as their whole chin turns stark black.

Thanks so much for the compliments! Khan does get a lot natural UV, as I have an outdoor cage for him. However... The dog peed on him thru the cage the day before last so he hasn't been out since, poor guy!


Juvie Member
jeserah":3qqdp1vr said:
Moe is super adorable! What a great picture :)
It looks to me like he's more stretching his beard in the pic instead of black-bearding, which is really different as their whole chin turns stark black.

Thanks so much for the compliments! Khan does get a lot natural UV, as I have an outdoor cage for him. However... The dog peed on him thru the cage the day before last so he hasn't been out since, poor guy!

This is King Leonard (Lenny) with a full out beard. The baseboards are in the process of being caulked and painted...
Sucks what happend to Khan lol. But on the bright side good thing it wasnt a skunk..
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