Nasty Poop! (poop picture enclosed)

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My beadie Norbert, Norbs for short, has had watery poops for around two weeks now. At first after looking on here for a long while I though it was just he is well hydrated. He loves to drink water, I can put it in a dish in his cage and he will drink from it. He is maybe 3 months old about 10 inches long roughly, he hates to be held so cannot really measure him easily. I have only had him for two months so I am guessing he is around 3 months. He eats like crazy, this weekend I gave him horn worms, the blue caterpillar things, they were super small ones no bigger then between his eyes. He loved them, but then I noticed he hadn't pooped since Saturday, and now it is Tuesday. Then today I hear like a splatting noise and I look and he pooped but it was a scary looking poop and water, or at least I think it was water, was like flowing away from the poop. He is in a 50 gallon tank, his basking spot is usually around 108-110 degrees, but my lamp shorted about a week ago. I have another light on there for now but the temp only gets up to about 91 degrees, his cool side is at like 68-75 degrees. I went to go get a new lamp from my boyfriend, but we forgot it and he is either bringing it to me tonight or tomorrow. Norbs has a UVB light that extends the length of his tank, its the ReptiSun 10.0 fluorescent tube. I have a temperature probe for his temps. He ate a little bit of asparagus over the weekend and today, which I dust with the herptivite, he hates that stuff but I try. He normally eats phoenix worms, but the pet stores around me were either out of them or they were moldy when I opened the container. I also give his dubia roaches every few weeks, they are his favorite but only come in 25 count and he eats all 25 at one time and they are expensive as a broke college student. So for the last weekish he has had mealworms, which I know are not great but that is all that I could get until I found a place that sold little baby horn worms. He hasn't been moving around as much this past week, I assumed it was because his light and temps were not as hot as normal. He would just sit right under the 91 degree spot most of the time, but still would have his crazy running around times. Then this weekend he just looked very fat. Very round belly, I thought he was maybe starting to grow some more, but after the scary poop its a little less round. After he pooped he ran around and ate some asparagus and now he is chillin on one of his logs. Oh and he has a lot of the stress marks today, he is never stressed and usually is as white as can be. So If someone could tell me if he is okay that would be awesome, I love him and am very worried about him. :(

This is him normal in the bath on Thursday
This is his fat round belly this morning
This is the scary poop
And then this is him right after the poop you can see water from the poop in the background.

AHBD Sicko
Hi Kaitlyn....I think the watery poo is from the hornworms plus the fact that he likes to drink water. He appears to be very healthy, but it's pretty important to have a good feeding schedule. At his age he should be eating around 30 -40 crix a day. Can you get crickets ? It's worth it to order 1,000 crix from a company like Georgia cricket, Armstrong or Ghann's. You will spend $25 -$30 but they will last a good month. And getting his basking temp. back up should help with more regular poos again. But he is a handsome dude ! :)


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AHBD":12iv2grz said:
Hi Kaitlyn....I think the watery poo is from the hornworms plus the fact that he likes to drink water. He appears to be very healthy, but it's pretty important to have a good feeding schedule. At his age he should be eating around 30 -40 crix a day. Can you get crickets ? It's worth it to order 1,000 crix from a company like Georgia cricket, Armstrong or Ghann's. You will spend $25 -$30 but they will last a good month. And getting his basking temp. back up should help with more regular poos again. But he is a handsome dude ! :)

Thank You! I was so worried! He is a very handsome dude :), and he doesn't like crickets, he just watches one whole others get away and then he never finds them. Then I have to go look for the other crickets so there are none in his tank at night. He is a very particular wild little guy, he is a hand full runs around you have to chase him around the room if he gets away. He also will eat some phoenix worms off the little thing I use to put them near him, but after a while gets bored of that and makes me hand feed him. Oh and he only likes food that moves, but not too much haha. ;)

AHBD Sicko
Oh well, he is a spoiled handsome dude. :) Most beardies will go for worms over crickets, but he will definitely eat crix if they are all that is available. There is a way to get them more interested in crix....just take 4-5 at a time,shake them up pretty good in a jar so they are stunned,[ coat them with powder at the same time ] then drop a few at a time right near him. The stunned crix wobble around weakly which will hold his attention more than crix that run away across the tank or hide under cage furniture.
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