New beardie and new onwer

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Hello, im 14 years old and i got a bearded dragon this is my first and ive done alot of research and i think im providing a good home for her ..... the only thing is im not sure what to name her, could u guys help me out?? shes a leatherback and shes orangish redish shes very beautful and the picture doesnt show her colors very good

AHBD Sicko
Hi Steve, she's a pretty girl, looks like she's eating pretty good with that chubby belly. :) Are you sure it's a female ? Can you post more of her set up and of her in general ? I think Bella is a pretty name, or Solaris or maybe Sunny ?

AHBD Sicko
Great looking set up, really nicely designed. :) What kind of uvb light do you have, and what are the 3 dome lights on top ? I just want to mention that you should be careful of the loose substrate [ sand ? or crushed walnut ? ] If she eats eat by accident it can really cause severe stomach/intestinal blockage.


Original Poster
Yea ive been been watching her and she doesnt eat the sand and its all natural flukers dune sand and i have a uvb 10.0 short tube bulb and a 150 watt basking spot lamp and a night black heat bulb

AHBD Sicko
Sounds pretty good overall. :) Does your house get below 65 degrees at night ? If not, you don't need any heat at all. The colored bulbs can keep them from sleeping through the night. a better heat option for night time is a ceramic heat emitter [ CHE ] They put out heat but no light.

One more thing, the small UVB bulbs don't usually produce enough UVB so your beardie may not get the right amount. The long tube UVB's are much more effective, the best one is the Reptisun 10.0 .


Original Poster
The heat bulb i have know is a balck light and it puts out heat so it produces no light but puts oug heat and my house gets really cood at night so i do need the heat light i keep it at 70 degrees for her at night and okay i didnt know that ill try to get the long tube repti sun 10.0 thanks

AHBD Sicko
O.K, that's good. I see she really likes that big basking log, beardies seem to prefer those to rocks or hammocks because they hold just enough heat and are perfect for climbing . You did a real nice job with the lay out of the cage decor. :)
AHBD":24r6pkf2 said:
Does your house get below 65 degrees at night ? If not, you don't need any heat at all.

Not trying to thread jack, AHBD, the comment do i need to have my heat lamp overnight? I was told that I leave the heat lamp on 24 hours and then the UVB 12 hours a day. I have two tanks one with a blue bulb and one with a red. I have my AC on overnight and the temp in my place drops to about 73 at the lowest....any suggestions? Eventually I will go ceramic but for the time being i'll stick with the regular bulbs

AHBD Sicko
Sorry, I didn't get a notification to see this post. Actually the blue + red lights are not really the right ones for beardies....they need a bright white light to mimic the desert brightness. And no bulbs should be on overnight, the basking/heat bulbs should only be on during the day , for 12 hours ALONG WITH the uvb.

But if you start a thread in the enclosures or the general forum you can discuss this in detail.....the right lights are VERY important !
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